Is there anyway to force the cache update process instead of the rebuild? Version 3.07.6 beta. I did manual housekeeping and selected update but it ignores me and rebuilds. Even a kludgy manual process would be great. I'm aware that it's more efficient to rebuild but I cannot leave my system on long enough for rebuild to complete. I would have hoped if I explicitly told it to update that it would do so.
It seems clear that when I interrupt the rebuild process at 15% cache status and then start again later it seems to be rebuilding rows that were already complete even though no new data was loaded. Where I live the power goes out for 5 hours every night and I need the computer for other uses in the morning. I'm not going to buy a generator just to rebuild my cache. I dont care if it takes 3 times longer as long as I can do it in steps.
It looks like about 30 hours at the rate it's been going and I loaded only half of my data. For the record I am very experienced at database performance and tuning and have done all I can with the equipment that is available (dedicated data disk, separate logs, changes to the .conf file etc.). I even built a parallel OS installation just to clear out the junk. I suppose I could clear out the DB and load small amounts (5% of total DB size will prevent cache rebuild?) but I'd rather pull my hair out first .
If I don't rebuild cache, what is the effect? Will it rebuild individual players as I access their data (making it very slow) or will I get incorrect information?
Da old goat (new to PT3).