Hi All,
Long story short, my macbook died and I bought a new one.
In attempt to keep all of my settings and, more importantly, data, here's what I've done:
I copied the following from my time machine back up to my new HD.
/Library/PostreSQL 9/
/Users/[me]/Library/Application Support/PokerTracker3/
At first, PT3 was telling me I still needed to download and install PostgreSQL, so then I copied this:
Now I'm getting this:
On the next page, it says the DB is there, but the PostgreSQL version number is and it says 'can't connect to server, not accepting connections'
So, a quick google search on how to start PostgreSQL via command line later, and still no luck I try to do it and it just says server unknown.
Does anyone have any ideas? I would really appreciate it. I know worst case scenario I just uninstall PT3 and PostgreSQL, reinstall and start brand new, but I'd rather not do that.
Thanks everyone.