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error import

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:20 am
by Holliwood

since today i get an error by importing party hands. Here the log:

PT Version: 2.17.04g
Error Date: 01/21/2010 10:15
Database Error: 7
Error Text: SQLSTATE = XX001
ERROR: invalid page header in block 290 of relation "player_winnings_idx_02";
Error while executing the query

No changes made to database.

INSERT INTO player_winnings ( date_played, game_level_id, site_id, player_id, session_id, opponent_id, won_from, times_beat, real_player_id, real_opp_id ) VALUES ( {ts '2010-01-21 00:00:00'}, 2, 3, 91130, 1002367, 95156, 2.0000, 1, 91130, 95156 )
DataObject: d_gr_player_winnings_new
Syntax In Error: INSERT INTO player_winnings ( date_played, game_level_id, site_id, player_id, session_id, opponent_id, won_from, times_beat, real_player_id, real_opp_id ) VALUES ( {ts '2010-01-21 00:00:00'}, 2, 3, 91130, 1002367, 95156, 2.0000, 1, 91130, 95156 )

I tried to vacuum/analyze the databse, but it doesnt work too.

I hope you can help :)

Re: error import

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:49 am
by ptrack pat
You can try reindexing as detailed here ... ex+pgadmin

You can just reindex the PLAYER_WINNINGS table as that is the one causing the error.
