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Winamax: bad "Tournament Desc" for newly retrieved SNGs

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 12:24 pm
by loosefish
I mainly play SNGs (single 10 players table, and also 5Max 15 players, starting on 3 tables), on Winamax site.

In the past, single table 10 players SNGs were correctly labelled: "STT SNG" in the "Tournament Desc" field.
But since a few days, the newly retrieved 10 players STT SNGs are labelled "SNG 15 joueurs", meaning "15 players SNG" (although they are 10 players STT SNGs). I have the impression that this bad labelling comes from a new structure I created in Tools/ICM Calculator for the 15 players MTT SNG (which I called "SNG 15 joueurs 3 tables".
How can I correct this issue, so that 10 players STT SNGs are again correctly labelled as STT SNG?
Thanks by advance.

Re: Winamax: bad "Tournament Desc" for newly retrieved SNGs

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 1:25 pm
by Flag_Hippo
You can edit the description of those tournaments back to 'STT SNG' via the 'Tournament Results' window:

Guide: Updating Tournament Information Manually

When you don't have any tournaments with that custom description anymore then in that window there is also a spanner icon which you can click and choosing 'Remove Unused Descriptions' will delete the description so it cannot be used again.

Re: Winamax: bad "Tournament Desc" for newly retrieved SNGs

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 4:37 pm
by loosefish
Thank you very much for the quick answer. It works perfectly!
