I´ve been trying for some time to review my game against specific types of player.
I know I can go to "all players" reports and filter the database by #Hands, #VPIP, etc, and then I can manually color tag each player
I then create a Hands Report and filter by color tag using this expression I found here:
cash_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT chps.id_hand from cash_hand_player_statistics chps, player p, notes n where p.id_player = chps.id_player and n.id_x = p.id_player and n.enum_type = 'P' and n.id_color = 5)
I then select all hands and export them to a new database, and I can then review my graph, etc, against that pool of players
My question is: is there a more efficient way of skipping manually tagging each player to extract the info?
Many thanks