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Rakeback Tournament

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:22 pm
by Zard

I wanted to add rakeback for tournaments on stars and fulltilt but can't find anything that seems to work in the warehouse, is there a script someone can throw on which just calculates a flat 25% rake rate, i'd be happy to settle just for that for both fulltilt and stars

i didn't expect to have to figure out coding to add rake


Re: Rakeback Tournament

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:44 pm
by kraada
PokerStars does not have rakeback - it uses VPPs (which you can download as a stat from our warehouse) and then, depending on your personal VIP level you get a certain amount of FPPs. With the downloaded stat you can calculate your FPPs if you stay at a certain level based on your own multiplier, but since it is different for everyone, we can't put together a general stat for you.

I'm not intimately familiar with how the Edge system works but I recall there was some similar reason why general statistics for it would not work for everyone.

Re: Rakeback Tournament

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:53 pm
by Zard
Is there anything to calculate a flat rakeback rate so i can get an estimate.

I downloaded the Merge tournament rakeback which you posted on the warehouse, i was just wondering how to edit the custom merge tournament stats to work with pokerstars and fulltilt for now

Re: Rakeback Tournament

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:04 pm
by kraada
PokerStars, Full Tilt and Merge all do very different things - they calculate what they give you in different ways. The Merge stat won't do a good job of estimating anything at other sites.

The best thing to do is to download the PokerStars VPPs and Full Tilt FTPs stats and look at the points you get from their sites and their rewards systems. You can find the PokerStars details here and the Full Tilt details here.
