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Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hands

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:10 am
by elaborater

I created a hands report with the following filters:

(Position of Active Player Position of Selected Exactly 8) AND (NOT (First Action Opportunity to Raise Limpers)) AND (NOT (Faced Steal Attempt In Big Blind (BB))) AND (Table Size 2 Max Tournaments)

which gives me all hands where the player in the BB was given a walk (+ autoallin situations).

When I want to filter further to only apply this to a certain stacksize, it filters out ALL hands (no matter what stacksize range i filter for):

(Position of Active Player Position of Selected Exactly 8) AND (NOT (First Action Opportunity to Raise Limpers)) AND (NOT (Faced Steal Attempt In Big Blind (BB))) AND (Effective Stack Size Big Blinds Between 1 and 100) AND (Table Size 2 Max Tournaments)

I originally noticed this when creating a custom stat for walks for certain stacksizes. This stat also always returns 0...

column expression: sum(if[lookup_actions_p.action = '' AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) > 1 AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) <= 100, 1, 0])

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:50 am
by kraada
This is expected behavior. When you get a walk you have no effective stack size because you never have any actions and thus can neither win nor lose any money (beyond the small blind you just win). Thus in all cases when you get a walk the effective stack size for you is 0.

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:44 pm
by elaborater
I don't see how/why it makes sense to link the stacksize to the type of actions. Of course i don't loose/win any money (besides blind) when beeing walked, but that is not the only point of interest.
I am dealt a hand and when getting dealt a hand I also have a stack!?

Besides that:
How can i than calculate a vpip for certain stacksize?

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:35 pm
by kraada
The effective stack is how much you could lose to any single individual as of your first action in a hand. Since you don't have a first action when you get a walk, you have no effective stack size. The database still stores your actual stack size in amt_before and you could use that if you so desire.

VPIP at a stack size would not be affected by this definition -- any stat (except amount won) will not be affected. You can't have a chance to VPIP if you never get an action, nor can you have a chance to PFR, or to fold, or anything else.

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:58 pm
by elaborater
Of course vpip% is affected when calculated the way it is calculated in the default stat. Since i don't have a chance to vpip when i get a walk i have to substract #walks from #hands when calculating vpip%.

default vpip% is calculated as (cnt_vpip / (cnt_hands - cnt_walks)) * 100

cnt_walks = sum(if[lookup_actions_p.action = '', 1, 0])

If i add an eff stacksize condition to cnt_walks as mentioned in my OP, this will always return 0. => vpip% for defined stacksize is too low when calculated this way.

Using actual stacksize is not an option as this does not matter in husng.

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:16 pm
by kraada
If you add an effective stack size filter there will be no walks that match the effective stack size as long as it's nonzero. All walks have an effective stack size of 0.

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:38 pm
by elaborater
now you told me what i told you...

It would be nice if you could answer my question. How can i create a custom stat which gives me the vpip% for specific effective* stacksizes?

And by effective* stacksize i mean how deep i am with my hu opponent after being a dealt a hand.

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:59 pm
by kraada
Duplicate the cnt_vpip and cnt_hands columns and edit them to include this:
(cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / cash_limit.amt_bb) BETWEEN X and Y

so cnt_vpip would be:
sum(if[(cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / cash_limit.amt_bb) BETWEEN X and Y and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip, 1, 0])

and cnt_hands would be:
sum(if[(cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / cash_limit.amt_bb) BETWEEN X and Y, 1, 0])

To make the tournament equivalents use this instead:

(tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN X and Y

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:23 pm
by elaborater
I know that. But the vpip% stat calculation is still:

(cnt_vpip / (cnt_hands - cnt_walks)) * 100

It does not help me adjusting cnt_vpip and cnt_hands if i cannot adjust cnt_walks in the same way (effective* stacksize).

Re: Effective Stacksize Filter filters out all "walked" hand

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:56 am
by kraada
You don't need to, you can just remove it. It is 0 at any effective stack size above zero and any number minus zero is that same number.

To put it another way, with an effective stack size of 15 BB:
cnt_vpip / (cnt_hands - cnt_walks) = cnt_vpip / cnt_hands

because cnt_walks = 0.