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Cold Call Definition

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:11 pm
by 4StarGen
I'd like to make a autonote where:
Player A limps, Player B isoraises, Player C calls.

I tried this 2 different notes




For the second one I got many more results than the first one.
Now, the cold call definition is ambiguos among players... so what's the difference between those 2 notes? In this case what is the difference between called 2bet and cold called 2bet?

Re: Cold Call Definition

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:25 pm
by Flag_Hippo
A cold call is when a player does not have any money invested in the pot (i.e. they didn't post the blinds or limp before the 2Bet). Unless it is by design you may want to edit your "Text To Insert As Note" since a 3Bet Cold Call is something else entirely. Also you can use the "Configure -> Statistics" menu option in PokerTracker 4 to view descriptions and formulas for all the statistics. To find the stat you want you can use the "Search" function in the Statistics window. Once the statistic is selected you can view a description and formula for it on the "Details" tab.

Re: Cold Call Definition

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:39 pm
by 4StarGen
So let's make sure I've understand correctly, If player A limps, player B raises, and Player C calls on the BB this isn't counted as cold call, but if he were on the BTN it would count? So in order to get all the calls that player C made after player B raises I should use 'call any 2bet' filter. Have I understand correctly?

Re: Cold Call Definition

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:44 am
by WhiteRider
4StarGen wrote:If player A limps, player B raises, and Player C calls on the BB this isn't counted as cold call, but if he were on the BTN it would count?


4StarGen wrote:So in order to get all the calls that player C made after player B raises I should use 'call any 2bet' filter.

If you want to rule out the player having limped before calling a 2Bet you could add a filter for "NOT limped" as well.

Re: Cold Call Definition

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 5:05 am
by 4StarGen
Ty a lot
