i downloaded the patch hoping it would fix a lot of the bodog bugs with the sngs but they are still there...
this patch i think made it worse...
can i roll back to the other patch some how?
1) tables get the hud then it goes away without warning, and then comes back again later without warning.
2) If i am playing a sng waiting for the hud to show and i sign up with another sng then the hud comes on it goes to the empty table but shows all the names of the first table i was playing at. This does not happen every time but it happens often, and more common after playing 2 or 3 games back to back.
3) well i guess it is just 2 things that i can think of now and explain but i hope you guys patch it up soon. it is the same problems (if not worse) than when i first brought up these points in a different post many months ago.
4) okay i got another one fast. sometimes the table will get 2 huds and it covers the real hud. so i think i am playing someone loose when they are tight then i move the all the fake huds to an empty seat stacked on one another.
i hope all this helps
how do i roll back patch?