New and clueless.....need advice

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New and clueless.....need advice

Postby xxLamelordxx » Sun May 27, 2012 9:43 pm

Other than clicking begin auto import before starting my games I dont know what to do?
Just looking for tips.
Do I need to use manual import?
Can I get files from years ago even though I had no hud?
Any advice would be appreciated........and I am quite computer illiterate???
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Re: New and clueless.....need advice

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 28, 2012 2:58 am

Check out the Quick Start Guide to get started. (There are other help documents there too.)

If you have existing hand history files the Setup Wizard should import them for you.

You are unlikely to have hand histories for old hands as most sites automatically delete the histories after a month or so (even if you had them configured to save in the first place). However, you should be able to request your hands from your site's support. You would import those with Manual Import as it is much faster for large imports, and you use Auto Import to import as you play.
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Re: New and clueless.....need advice

Postby xxLamelordxx » Mon May 28, 2012 7:43 pm

Great,thanks for the info.If I only had a hud 4 years ago..........sooo many hands played!!!!!!!
Any idea what "start site import" button does?
So I dont need to use setup wizard,any kind of database management,or configurations to improve anything?
Are there any recommendations to making hud changes?
What about house cleaning?.....Don't really know how to do these things anyways.
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Re: New and clueless.....need advice

Postby WhiteRider » Tue May 29, 2012 2:57 am

When auto importing you can configure each individual to start automatically (or not) via the Configure SiteX tab - if you have a site which isn't importing automatically then you can start it with the 'start site import' button (when the auto import is running).

If you run a manual import you should do database housekeeping afterwards, preferably by leaving the housekeeping options ticked on the manual import tab, or via Database > Housekeeping.

Auto import does housekeeping automatically during the import.

If you're just starting out with PokerTracker you may prefer to go directly to PT4, which is currently in Public Beta. This has many advanced features over PT3, but is also easier to use - housekeeping is fully automated for example.
(PT4 isn't on sale yet but if you buy PT3 you get the upgrade to PT4 for free once it comes out.)
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