Slow Popup

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Slow Popup

Postby smoke180 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:52 pm


when i try to open a Popup in the Hud it need a lot of time until the stats are loaded in the Popup.
I dont have any problems with the stats that are permanent at the Table but the Popup is so slow that i don't can use it before time out.

Did somebody please help me?

Thank you
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:53 pm

Do you have a lot of custom stats in your popup?
Data for the popups are retrieved from the database when needed (when you open the popup) but built-in stats should be pretty well instant.
Custom stats are not stored in the cache so could take a few seconds to retrieve in a large database.
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby smoke180 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:44 pm

no there are not a lot of coustom stats, maybe 4.

I have for the hud a databese that is around 10 Milion Hands. Most of the regs have around 200 000 to 600 000 Hands.

I try now a lot of diverent thinks to make it work, but i belife now, it is imposibel to run a databese that big with hud in PT4.
PT3 was much better in this view. With PT3 i never have such issus.
Is it possibel to change the popup the way PT3 work?

thank you
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby kraada » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:46 pm

Could you try removing the custom stats to see if that makes things run faster for you?
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby smoke180 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:32 pm

i try now the Default setting for a coupel of Tabels and it run fine. Later i try some 24 Tabeling to look it is stabel. But i really would like to have min. two costomize stats.
Is there a option to get my stats in the cache?
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby kraada » Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:34 pm

Not at this point in time but it is something I hope we look into doing at some point. What are the custom stats you have? We might have built in options which are very similar for you.
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby smoke180 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:39 pm

So i try now the Default with 24 Tabling and 3 Database with overall 10 Million Hands and it work very well.

I remove also all costume Stats by my hud profile but it didn't work.

When i have the Default Profile my ram use is very small around 4GB. My Profile use 8GB but it like to use more, i think it is limited in PSQL config.. I have 32GB ram, did you now witch parameter i need to change to give Psql more ram for my Profile ( costumes stats) ?
I use a modified PT3 Hud Profile can be this the issue?

The states that i miss most:
fold to f rais / fold to t rais
fold to fcbet rais / fold to tcbet rais...
cbet paired board
cbet flush board
fold to 5bet plus
fold cbet in 3bet pot i am not sure is this the same like fold to raise after fcbet in 3bet+ pot ?

but i have to tell you PT4 is a revolution for bad player and good player in Online Poker!!! You do a very very job!

thank you
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby kraada » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:55 pm

In order to use all of the RAM you have available you'd need to upgrade to PostgreSQL 9.0 for 64-bit machines - in order to make this upgrade you'd need to backup your PostgreSQL databases, uninstall your existing PostgreSQL installation, install the new one, then restore from backup. Then if you run PostgreSQL Tuning from the Database Management menu, PT4 will set the config file to use the most of your RAM that it can.

Regarding the stats, you can use:
  • Fold to F 2Bet / Fold to T 2Bet (these are folds when facing the first raise on the street in question - since 3bets and higher are rare, these should be very good substitutes for you)
  • Fold to Raise After F Cbet / Fold to Raise after T CBet (these are folds to a raise after you've cbet on the street in question)
  • Fold to PF 5Bet+
  • Fold to F CBet in 3Bet+ Pot includes all 3bet pots and 4bet pots and 5bet pots etc so long as there is a cbet that is faced. Exactly 3bet pots are by far and away the most common (that have cbets anyway) so this should be pretty close for you here - you can run an All Players report in the My Reports page to compare these two values for most players and you'll see they're pretty similar (probably a few points smaller for some players and that's it).

The paired board and flush board stats don't have defaults, but hopefully this gets the most important ones you want.
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Re: Slow Popup

Postby smoke180 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:26 pm

I run already 9.14 for a while. I now that you don't support it but i do some tests and it look stable. I also use the PT4 Psql tuning and try some own settings with that i think i can improve performance.

What i looking for is that Psql will use 24GB ram, load everything what need time in it. With that i hope to get down the I/O use by the hard drive and improve performance.

The cbet in pair boards are not impotent.

Thanks for explain the stats i will use them.
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