Adjusted Blinds of current hand

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Adjusted Blinds of current hand

Postby l1l » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:52 am


I am have been looking to create a column for the sb, bb, ante and stack size from during the current hand. I cant see any for this currently.

Only ones I can see are live_amt_sb etc. but I see the desription for this is sb of previous hand, so means it is incorrect when blind level changes. I would ideally want amt_sb (sb of current hand) but I could not find this.

The reason I want these is so I can make stats based of effective stack size with adjusted bb. For example I already have stat for pfr with 5-7 bb effective stack (using non adjusted bb) but I want this stat using adjusted bb. The stat data will be wrong if I used the live abb stat.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to create adjusted big blind based on blinds of current hand.

(As I say this is only for filtering certain stats by effective stack of adjusted blinds, not for a live hud stat.)

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Re: Adjusted Blinds of current hand

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:04 pm

PT4 does not know anything about the current hand until the hand is over so there is no data you can get about the hand while it is in play.
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Re: Adjusted Blinds of current hand

Postby l1l » Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:38 pm

Ok I have tried to make a custom column for effective stack size in adjusted big blind. (This is not to be a live stat, I am using this to make custom stats filtered by the players stack size for the HUD.)

sum((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective stack /(tourney_blinds.amt_bb + tourney_blinds.amt_sb + tourney_hand player_statistics.amt_ante * tourney_hand_player_statistics.cnt_players))/1.5)

The things I am unsure is:

tourney_player_statistics.amt_ante : does this mean what 1 ante is, or what the total ante of all the players is?

I have * ante by cnt_players, should I have done this?

also if you see anything else incorrect?

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Re: Adjusted Blinds of current hand

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:19 pm

amt_ante is the amount paid by one player. If you're trying to get the amount paid in a round of blinds, you did it right :)
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