by WhiteRider » Mon May 11, 2015 2:51 am
If all of these filters are in the Player section then that won't work. All filters in the Player section are related to the player you're taking the note on. Therefore you've specified that the player is in position 8, but then in the third filter you've specified that the player raised first in, but that is contradicted by specifying that the player in position 0 made the first raise.
You need to use the Opponent section to specify that a different player was in position 0 and raised first in.
The 'position of first raiser' filter is fine in the Player filter on its own, but "Raised First In" applies to the player you're taking the note on, so that would have to be in the Opponent filter, and then to have that apply to the button you would need to include the 'position 0' filter there too.