by WhiteRider » Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:22 am
[quote="chambraigne"8kz]Has the Attempt to Steal stat been fixed to be the same as the PT2 version? PT3 says my atts is 25, where in PT2 it is around 37[/quote8kz]
Some of these type of stats (where the % is how many times you did something out of the number of times you had the chance to do it) are always going to be different in PT3 from PT2.
PT2 just counts the number of times you did it out of the total hands (so will always be smaller).
e.g. the RFI is like this and PT2 should report a much smaller value.
If your steal stat continues to differ from PT3, try to identify a hand (or set of hands) which is causing the difference and see whether PT3 is giving the correct value.