I'm confused: when you have a group set as Popup Only you can see the stat, but when you set the stat to Show On Table for Everyone (or everyone but hero) you can't see the stat to add it?
Not quite -- My custom Stat does not appear in the HUD stats list. It did at one time and at that time I added it to the default HUD popup group for display on the table. It no longer appears in the HUD stats list, it doesn't reappear if I delete it from the HUD default popup. The stat remains in the default popup group displayed because I never removed it after getting errors when I was trying to get the stat to work.
I'll send you my StatDefinitionsCustomized.pt3 AND my StatDefinitions.pt3 and Stats.xml.pte for good measure even though I haven't a clue as to what the Stats.xml.pte file is.
Thanks for helping me out with this. Much appreciated!
EDIT: The change I made in step 6 was to remove the last bit of the stat definition, the else part I suspect. Here are both versions of the custom stat --
if(val_icon = 14, 'TAN',if(val_icon=13,'LPA',if(val_icon=12,'TPP',if(val_icon=11,'sLPP',if(val_icon=10,'?',if(val_icon=9,'LAA',if(val_icon=8,'TPA',if(val_icon=7,'LAP',if(val_icon=6,'sLPA',if(val_icon=5,'TAP',if(val_icon=4,'sLAP',if(val_icon=3,'sLAA',if(val_icon=2,'TAA',if(val_icon=1,'LPP',val_icon))))))))))))))
"slight change":
if(val_icon = 14, 'TAN',if(val_icon=13,'LPA',if(val_icon=12,'TPP',if(val_icon=11,'sLPP',if(val_icon=10,'?',if(val_icon=9,'LAA',if(val_icon=8,'TPA',if(val_icon=7,'LAP',if(val_icon=6,'sLPA',if(val_icon=5,'TAP',if(val_icon=4,'sLAP',if(val_icon=3,'sLAA',if(val_icon=2,'TAA',if(val_icon=1,'LPP','Not Rated'))))))))))))))
note that neither of these would appear in the HUD configure / Stats menu.