New Release: 3.00 build 4

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby xlflyer » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:29 pm

How do you stop PT3 before installing #4? I'm getting the same error messages. I restart and still have PT3.

thanks, Roger
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby kraada » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:17 pm


Close PT3 completely and all of its message windows (Including the "update available" box), then run the Build 4 without PostgreSQL installer, and when you restart PT3 it'll say Build 4 along the top.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby chicko0815 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:12 pm

I have the same error when installing the new update `s like GoCobbers95,hm............


Okay it worked! ;)

You must only schließn all open windows and then shut PT3 klappt also install the update.

Thanks for the help :roll:
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby Legalizeit2 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:45 pm

After the new build things take for ever.
It took 3 hours to cache a database that usually takes 45 min.
It slows down my PC, can't play while it's importing hands, it makes my poker client lag so hard it times out.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby thechronic2008 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:49 pm

I am getting an error message when I begin auto import saying there is an error onpening the HUD folder, and as a result I am unable to have my HUD displayed. Any advice appreciated, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere! BTW, this just started happening when I downloaded the update, was working fine until then.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby Legalizeit2 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:54 pm

Can I go back to the latest beta?
I can't import hands any longer.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby kraada » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:25 pm

Chronic, Legalizit,

Could you both tell me exactly what errors you are seeing? The exact text of the error makes a difference.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby Legalizeit2 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:31 pm

kraada wrote:Chronic, Legalizit,

Could you both tell me exactly what errors you are seeing? The exact text of the error makes a difference.

I don't get any error messages.

This is what happened.
I started an manual import of 500K hands, had about 1M hands in that particular database before the input.
Usually (with the amount of existing hands in the database) PT will import about 120-180 hands/s on my machine, after the upgrade it only manage about 70-80 hands per second. The Cluster/Vacum/Analyze/Cache was about 3-4 times slower han usual.

During import and the housekeeping, my PC froze (or allmost froze) on and off, in cycles of a couple of minutes or so.
All programs (including PT itself) is effected by this "freezing".
I checked the memory usage and there where two postgres processes using about 800 megs each, but i didn't look like it was increasing (not sure what "the" PT process was using, 245 Mb I think).
My system wasn't reporting any swapping (I have 3.2Gigs of RAM).
During these "freezings" the hard disk seems to do no, or very little, reading and/or writing.

In general it takes longer (about twice as long) to get a graph of my hands with this build.
I think it started to get slower starting with Beta 24 (to get the graphs, not the importing).
And yes, I do houskeeping of all my databases after each import.

When running Auto Import everything seems fine, HUD working ok no noticeable delays.

PS. I did two imports, in two different databases (about the same amount of data), exactly the same behaviour. Also, I have been doing these imports for months now. Using about 10-12 databases at any given time. Haven't installed any new software, it's a poker only machine.
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby dj11 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:45 pm

I had been waiting for build 4. When I installed it, I got some error, so I cancelled and re downloaded the version complete with a fresh Postgres.

Popped right up.


I have, for a long time had to manually stop postgres and then manually restart postgres before PT3 would run. Though I haven't tried a full cold boot yet, it looks like it may work right.

First impression was that the simple start up went faster, the HUD was correct according to how I had it set up yesterday, and seemed faster. And closing down even seemed smoother and thus faster.

Looking good for me so far......... :D
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Re: New Release: 3.00 build 4

Postby PerpetualTravel » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:02 pm

This is what happened.
I started an manual import of 500K hands, had about 1M hands in that particular database before the input.....

Wow legalizeit, I have had the EXACT same problems as you.

Now of course, when I open PT3 I get the 'unable to connect to any postgresql database' error message. I have followed the instructions to the letter (including disabling User Account Control) yet still no joy. Postgresql told me I had installed everything properly, yet it isn't running when I check via Task manager.

2 hours of my life I'll never get back. I'm not sure I'm prepared to waste any more of my time on this.
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