Hi support can i get some advice / help please, i recently was running pokertrack 2 and hud, before i re-formated my p.c - so i though what a good oppotunity to to set up pokertracker 3.
My set up with pokertracker 2 was on my p.c, but i ran all of my hand history's through my external hand drive hoping not to loose all of my hand history's as i keep all files compacted a regular basis, after i install and set up pokertracker 3 how do i transfer all the info/ hand history's into the new data base, just to add one note they are in a "excel" format, when i open up the compacted files folder i get: hhcopy, ptrack2_backup and ptrack_backup, so when you open one of these files all you get is a text showing what games, but can not access to see the actuall hand histroy's - does this make sense !
Also i take it HUD which iv'e already purchased previously will work pokertracker 3 - if so i need a pass key for it how do i obtain that !