I updated to beta 30.7 from 30.5 today. I imported 57,998 hands into a database which contained (before import) 318,445 hands, of which 283,892 were cached. I have checked Cluster, Vacuum, Analyze & Update Cache upon completion.
The import ran fine at 220.3 h/s (normal speed), the Housekeeping part took 1:39:53, which is very long. Under 30.5 it used to run 10 minutes or so. With 1.5 million hands in a database it usually runs a bit more than an hour.
I tried 30.6 but reverted to 30.5 because it would exit during Housekeeping with an error (something like "lost database connection"). I did not report this due to lack of time.
I will try again tomorrow evening, if it takes the same amount of time I will probably revert to 30.5 again.
Any thing I should do to help identify the issue?