Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

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Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:14 pm

it doesnt seem to occur at all tables I play at all times. sometimes it's there, sometimes it ain't.. often, a reboot of pokertracker is all that is needed, but this ain't optimal.. also, there have been some troubles with updating statisctics after you have configured on one table.. It then changens on some of the others, but that seems random..

Filters in the hold em section seems to have some problems at times.. Sometimes you have to set them a couple of time before something actually appears on the screen..
Sometimes it also takes ages to load the hold em general tab among others

Also, PT3 has crashed a couple of times (also crashing fulltilt) when I am importing AND updating the hold em general tab

Few tips at the ned:

- You should be able to use the Hud while not importing, it seems that you have to import to check the "start automatically" box and press the use hud tab
- the big boxes around the stats should not be square, but follow the length of the stats..
- It should be possible too seperate the stat-box, so that all stats doesnt have to appear within the same square

i guess all these things have been taken into consideration, but in case you forgot something, this is a little reminder :)

Thanks for an awesome tool, I have fully converted from PT2 too PT3 now :)
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby Josh » Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:13 pm

The stat configuration isn't global. Meaning when you edit the stats at one type of table (say, Full Tilt's 6 max racetrack cash table), it won't affect other types of tables (say, Full Tilt's 9 max racetrack cash table).

Filters in the hold em section seems to have some problems at times.. Sometimes you have to set them a couple of time before something actually appears on the screen..

Are you clicking the "Add Selected To Filters" button after configuring the filters you want?

Also, PT3 has crashed a couple of times (also crashing fulltilt) when I am importing AND updating the hold em general tab

I'm hoping the crashing will be resolved in the next beta. Does it crash if you turn off the Hud?

- You should be able to use the Hud while not importing, it seems that you have to import to check the "start automatically" box and press the use hud tab

This will not be changing. The Hud is tied into the auto-import process, and there's really not much use of having the Hud and not having up to date stats.

the big boxes around the stats should not be square, but follow the length of the stats..

I'm not sure what you mean... the Hud groups are resized according to the data inside it.

It should be possible too seperate the stat-box, so that all stats doesnt have to appear within the same square

You can already do this. In the stat config window, go to the Group tab and create a new group.
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:04 am

Thanks for the reply.

- No it havent crushed with the HUD yet

- If you have one big box with stats in it, it will be square no mather what.. Say you have 3 stats on the first line, and then 4 stats on the second line, then the second line will be longer, and the square will be 2lines (X) longest line like this:

|___bla bla bla bla __________________|
|___bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ___|

it should be

|___bla bla bla bla__ |
|___bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla__|

I do understand that this maybe have to do with grid being "normal", however I like the normal setting, but the as I said the boxes should have to be square..
I can be making one stat-box for each line though..


Last edited by psl86 on Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:14 am


- The "last hand" feature in the HUD seems sometimes just have decided to stay on all my tables ;) This can be a bit frustrating since I cant see my opponents stacks
- Just tested datamining, and now when I pulled up all the tabels, NOONE has stats overlay.. They all have the little PT logo, but no stats.. This cant be ideal.. As stated before, sometimes, the stats appear, but not before in like 5 minutes...

Kind regards

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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby Josh » Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:40 am

If you want each line to be a different length, you'll have to use multiple groups.

I'm aware of the bug where mucked cards don't disappear and I'm trying to get it resolved. If you're importing and not getting stats, odds are you are not importing into the active database. Currently, the Hud only reads from the active database. If stats are delayed, try clustering your database.
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:23 pm

Thanks for the replies btw :)

I have some more thoughts though:

- Pokertracker seems to crash, when I stop import and then start import again. Tables up/tables down/no tables has nothing to say

- I have clustered, analyzed and vacuumed my database, but still, my "texas hold em" - "cash games" - "general" tab takes ages to load.. I have a lot of players, so that could be the reason, but I do believe there are a ton of players with larger databses than me..
- Also, importing hands at the same time is to much to take for PT3.
- Just to use the refresh button AFTER I have loaded the greatest part of my database works fine.. --> I have start playing and after 1 hour I hit refresh to update my stats, this works fine.
- I often get the wrong stats on my tables.. A lot of stats, but on players not even on my tables.. I do believe this happens when I am importing old hands at the same time, meaning; hands that I had mined with fulltiltpoker, but not imported to the database..

That is all for now :)

Again, I really enjoy PT3, and I will try my best to help you make it as good as it can be

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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby Josh » Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:22 pm

Having multiple database queries occurring at the same time will make each one of them take longer. If you are importing and running reports at the same time, each will take longer. How many players/hands do you have in your database and how long does it take to load?
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:02 pm

Now I just tried stopping everything, and then loading my database which contains 15 000 players, it took about 5-10 minutes..
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:06 pm

But then I sat a date like 01/01/04... When I tried without any filters, it just never appeared anything.. When I then again sat a filter it crashed...
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Re: Hud a bit messed up and some general comments

Postby psl86 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:08 pm

Hmm, interesteing... When i just hit the "clear" and clear all filters, it loads everthing in like 10 seconds..17000 players and 300-500 000 hands..
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