kraada wrote:How big are these imports you are doing? The larger the import the more likely it is that the rebuild will in fact actually be faster.
I know you guys keep saying this in these threads, but my experience is that this is simply not the case. I'm running a relatively small db nowadays compared to what I have on my PC with an SSD drive (currently on a crappy laptop in canada). When I started adding new columns, cache rebuilds would take some 6-10 hours on a 600-800k hand db on an SSD with a triple core processor. You're telling me if I were to import 30-40k hands that a rebuild will be faster than an update? Updates have always been fairly linear in the amount of time they take based on the number of hands imported, regardless of the size of the existing db. Rebuilds take an increasingly longer amount of time the larger the existing db. How can a rebuild ever be faster unless the amount of hands being imported is more than what is currently in the db? And even then I don't see the logic. I went from 5-10 minute updates to now 2-3 hour rebuilds. This is aggravating.
It's great that it's not an issue in the fancy new version of PT that won't be out for months, but it wasn't an issue before in PT3 and now it is. You guys broke something that didn't need fixing, imo.