Attention Former PokerTracker 4 Beta Testers: Time To Create A New Database

September 12, 2012 - 9:56pm by

Were you part of the PokerTracker 4 Public Beta Test?  If so, then we greatly apreciate your help during the past seven months.  Now that we have released PokerTracker 4 commercially, we have a little word of advice for those Beta Testers; for the best performance we advise that you create a new database and then re-import your hands from the processed files folder at your convenience. You do not have to create a new database, but for optimal performance of speed and also results you should take our advice. 

Allthough it is an inconvenience, this recommendation is due to the many improvements made during the Beta test period that can only be implemented during the importing of hand histories. A re-import is not required to continue to use PokerTracker 4, but it is recommended.  If you create a new database and re-import your hands, then you can take advantage of the performance fixes that have been implemented and some key stat adjustments such as our new effective stack size calculations.

We apologize in advance for those who will be inconvenienced by the extra time needed to perform a re-import, but we can assure you that it will be a worthwhile investment in the performance of your PokerTracker 4 database in the long run.

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ان شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمملكة تعد من اكبر الشركات واضخمها بين شركات تنظيف الشقق والتي تقدم اعمال التنظيف علي اكمل وجه وبشكل سليم ومتكامل وعلي ايدي اقوي العماله المدربه والمتميزه في القيام بأعمال تنظيف ببريده فشركة تنظيف شقق بالطائف تقوم بأعمال التنظيف داخل الشقه من الالف الي الياء من (نظافة المفروشات والستائر –تنظيف الارضيات – تنظيف السيراميك وجلي البلاط –تنظيف الموكيت والسجاجيد – تنظيف المجالس – تنظيف المطابخ والحمامات وتعقيمهم وتعطيرهم ) فنحن نوفر لكم المجهود الشاق والمبذول في اعمال النظافه المرهقه ويتم كل هذا بأستخدام اقوي الاجهزه الحديثه للقيام بجميع اعمال التنظيف كألات البخار والات جلي البلاط وتنظيفه كل هذا واكثر لدي شركة تنظيف شقق بالطائف وتقدم خدماتنا بأسعار خرافيه لاتوجد لدي شركة نظافة بالمملكة فنحن نوفر لعملائنا الوقت والمجهود والتكاليف الباهظه التي تصرف للوصول الي اعلي مستوي النظافه وللتمتع بجو بيئي صحي ونظيف
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صعوبة تنظيف ببريده
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عندما تواجهكم عملائنا الكرام الكثير من المشكلات في تنظيف الشقق فالحل الامثل في تنظيف الشقق هو الاستعانه شركة تنظيف ببريده فنحن لدينا اقوي عماله متخصصه ومنتقاه علي اعلي مستوي من الكفاءه العاليه والامانه في تأدية كافة واجبتهم فهم يقومون بتنظيف جميع اغراض الشقق ومقتنايتها القابله للكسر مثل النجف والصيني والزجاج ويتم تنظيفها للحرص الشديد من شركة تنظيف شقق بأبها علي كافه اغراض عملائنا الكرام شركة تنظيف شقق ببريده تقوم بجميع اعمال تنظيف الشقق علي ايدي اقوي عماله وذات مهاره وكفاءه عاليه في تنظيف الارضيات والسيراميك وجلي البلاط وكذلك تنظيف الحوائط كما تقوم افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده بنتظيف وتلميع جميع اغراض الاثاث المنزلي من اخشاب وتنظيفه وتلميعه من الاتربه كل ما يهمنا هو استمتاع عملائنا بجو صحي ونظيف كما تقوم الشركة بالاهتمام بالمطابخ وازالة مابها من الدهون العالقه بالارضيات والحوائط كما ان شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده تقوم بتطهير وتعقيم الحمامات بأقوي المواد المطهره والمعروفه عالميا ومصرح بها من وزارة الصحة فكل ما يهمنا هو تحسين الجو العام لمنزلك للاستمتاع به وهو في احسن حال
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بكافة اعمال التنظيف فلا داعي للقلق نهائيا عملائنا الكرام فنحن نقدم لكم خدماتنا لنوفر لكم الوقت والمجهود بتقديم خدماتنا بأقل الاسعار الممكنه فنحن نقدم جميع خدماتنا بمنتهي الدقه والامانه والتميز وعلي اعلي مستوي من النظافه فأذا كنت تواجهكم مشكله عملائنا الكرام في تنظيف وتطهير وتعقيم جميع اغراض شقتك فلا داعي للقلق فمع شركة تنظيف منازل ببريده توفر لك كل سبل الراحه للحفاظ علي جميع منتقيات منزلك القابله للكسر والغير قابله للكسر ايضا اثناء عملية التنظيف كل هذا واكثر لدينا في مجال تنظيف الشقق فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا فنحن نعمل علي راحة عملائنا ولنوفير عليهم الوقت والمجهود الشاق في عمليات تنظيف الشقق

What you do not know about the method of isolating surfaces in foam We find different types of structures may be exposed to weather factors that affect them, especially surfaces, where they are most vulnerable to rain and the sun's heat, and this insulation is a foam material that turns into solid to isolate completely.
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What you do not know about the method of insulating surfaces with foam
What you do not know about the method of insulating surfaces with foam, as its use has recently become an important thing in the world of construction, where experts specializing in the field of insulation, whether thermal, acoustic or water based, are based on its advantages.
As foam insulation has many economic and chemical properties, which are the reason for making this type of insulation in the forefront for all the materials that are used in the field of insulation.
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Where one of the most important things that you do not know about the method of isolating surfaces with foam is that it is the best type of insulation, which is widely used in European countries, as it obviates the work of thermal and water insulation, and this insulation is as follows:
1- Hala company should be used to isolate foam in Riyadh.
2- You should also seek the assistance of the most skilled engineers who are distinguished in the services related to the ideal insulation of foam.
3- Before the start of the isolation work, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the pipes and perform the necessary maintenance.
4- Likewise, the lack of water leaks is final, so that the insulation can be done with all quality and confidence.
5- It is advised to make foam in the form of layers and to be quickly sprayed on surfaces.
6- The layers also need to be on top of each other as well as next to each other without breaks in order to prevent leakage.
Services of Hala Foam Insulation Company in Riyadh
We also find the company provides many services related to the foam insulation method, which include the following:
1- It provides the most skilled technicians trained to work in this field, and on various surfaces, according to their size and size.
2- The company has the most recent materials that are necessary in the isolation processes for surfaces, and it also has the modern methods and methods used for that.
3- The company provides competitive prices, as it is the cheapest price, and it also provides a lot of offers to its customers.
4- It also performs all kinds of insulation, whether sound, water or thermal insulation, according to the nature of each building.
5- Using equipment that accompanies modern development.
Team Special Features
1- The work team of Hala Foam Insulation Company in Riyadh is distinguished as one of the most skilled workers trained in the field of insulation, and he has high experience in this.
2- It was not satisfied with this matter, but there is a group of engineers who follow up the isolation process and are known to have done well.
3- Also used materials that are cheap and at the same time high quality.
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The best types of insulators
The best and best solution for insulation operations is insulation by foam material, because it is suitable for use in various types of surfaces of various sizes, large or small, paved or unpaved, and contributes to preventing the leakage of water and temperatures permanently.
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This is what you do not know about the method of isolating the surfaces in foam, Hala Foam Insulation Company in Riyadh provides the cheapest price for foam meters in Riyadh, and it also chooses the most appropriate according to the nature of each building, as well as the appropriate methods for all places, according to the desire of each customer.

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