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PokerTracker Software, LLC.
Behind great software must be a solid company to support their products and develop new features. The organization of your website, ease of locating documentation, availability of a database schema, 60 day trial and great information in your user forums all show what a quality organization the PT team has created.
PokerTracker 3 User
September 10, 2010
PokerTracker (PT) на сегодняшний день является самым популярным программным обеспечением по анализу покер рук, треккингу и сбору и обработке статистики. Translation: Poker Tracker (PT) is by far the most widely used software to analyze poker hands, tracking and the collection and processing statistics. To date, PokerTracker has become almost an integral part of poker, not only for grinders but for very beginners.