Custom Reports
- Analysis on 3-bets calls preflop (yours or opponents) by DrKK Aug. 16, 200812071 downloads
This shows with which hand you (or your opponent :) ) call 3bets preflop and how much you won/los, your made hands, winner and winning hand.
Turn call 3 bet preflop on in filter. (Filters > facing > call 3 Bet
You can also do this in config menu > filters > simple filters > facing > call 3 bet). Wanted to upload new version with the simple filter included but did not work. You can do it in 10 sec. - Detailed Results per Limit inkl. PokerStars VPP by Michael_M112 Aug. 29, 200811153 downloads
Detailed Results per Limit (Hands, Amount Won, $/100, BB Won, BB/100, Rake, Rake in BB/100, VPP, VPP/100).
Calculation of VPP is working with all 6max tables and Full Ring and Heads Up tables up to $1/$2. - Finish Distribution for STT by Eric Poker Nov. 05, 20089019 downloads
Report your finish distribution (1 to 10) sorting by buy-in
- Detailed Results per Limit incl. Poker Stars VPP v2 by guru Nov. 20, 20088556 downloads
Detailed Results per Limit (Hands, Amount Won, $/100, BB Won, BB/100, Rake, Rake in BB/100, MGR, MGR in BB/100, VPP, VPP/100).
Calculation of VPP is working with all 6max tables and Full Ring and Heads Up tables up to $1/$2.
Original version by Michael_M112.
Changes in version 2:
-fixed: Only hands that hero won account for Rake in BB/100. This is similiar to the behavior of the Rake stat.
-added: MGR paid in Big Bets per 100 hands stat.
-changed: Some descriptions and comments.
Discuss report at - Tournaments Played by Thomas42 Jan. 12, 20095860 downloads
This report gives you a nice list over players based on number of tournaments each has played. Default filters are 5 or more tournaments and SnG (1 table).
You can easily change the filters.
Number of tourneys:
Click Filters, then select "cnt_tourneys >= 5" and change the 5 to the minimum number you want.
Tourney Type:
Click Filters, then click "Simple Filters" and change to whatever you want to see in the list.
This report does not need any custom stats. - mzone by sookmctourie Jan. 19, 20095677 downloads
This report will allow the user to see their mzone at any given point during the course of a trny. If you are playing a trny, just run the report to see your mzone for the previous hand. The mzone stat will be available for the HUD soon, hopefully.
- Fish List Sample by WhiteRider Apr. 04, 20096257 downloads
The 'Fish List Sample' report which comes with PT3 by default.
- Summary by Site (cash) by WhiteRider Apr. 10, 20093438 downloads
A summary report which breaks down total results by site and limit.
You can remove the 'Site' or 'Limit' column if you want to see the results grouped differently. - Summary by Site (tourney) by WhiteRider Apr. 12, 20093418 downloads
A summary report which breaks down total results by site and buy-in.
You can remove the 'Site' or 'Buy In' column if you want to see the results grouped differently. - Big Pot hand by WhiteRider Apr. 25, 20094746 downloads
Report to show all of a player's hands which were involved in big pots. This will show winning and losing hands where the player put in more than 10 BB. You can change this value, of course.
Filter: amt_bet_ttl_bb > 10
I have also added dummy filters for amount won to allow you to filter for hands where you won or lost money:
(amt_bb_won >= 0 OR amt_bb_won < 0)
..and for when you did or didn't go to showdown:
(flg_showdown OR NOT flg_showdown)
To use either of these filters you can remove the case you don't want. - HTPS Tournament Statistics by WhiteRider Aug. 28, 20093594 downloads
Allows you to view Holdem Tournament Player Statistics for each tournament separately.
- Tournament stats by M-Zone by WhiteRider Aug. 28, 20093768 downloads
Shows 'Holdem Tournament Player Statistics' by "M" zone so you can analyse how you or your opponents play in the different zones.
- HCPS Session statistics by WhiteRider Sep. 05, 20093514 downloads
Allows you to view Holdem Cash Player Statistics for each session separately.
See this thread for more information. - Hands marked for review by SathOkh Sep. 22, 20095793 downloads
Report from tutorial: because I couldn't find it here. Shows all hands marked for review
- Pocket Pair Hit Flop by alonalbert Feb. 19, 201010274 downloads
Improvement on Flopped Set. This one also give info on flopped FH and Quads.
- Big Cards Hit Flop by alonalbert Feb. 19, 20108688 downloads
Report how many times you hit the flop with big pocket cards AJ+
- Total Amount Wagered by Tract0rDan Apr. 20, 20103715 downloads
Find out the total amount of $ you've ever comitted to any pot.