Custom Reports
- Lifetime Stats on Today's Players (Cash) by kraada Jun. 12, 20123692 downloads
This report shows you all and only players who have had cash game hands imported today. The report displays the lifetime stats of these players so that you can quickly and easily look them up by lifetime numbers.
- Lifetime Stats on Today's Players (Tourney) by kraada Jun. 13, 20124163 downloads
This report shows you all and only players who have had hands imported in tournaments played today. The report displays the lifetime stats of these players so that you can quickly and easily look them up by lifetime numbers.
- Players With NoteTracker Notes by kraada Jun. 18, 20123698 downloads
This report shows statistics on players who have NoteTracker automated notes added in the database.
*NOTE* NoteTracker AutoNotes can only be displayed in the HUD at the table or in a replayer, they cannot be displayed in reports at this time because Auto Notes are specific to a game type.
- Hands Report by ansamoiloff Jun. 23, 20124099 downloads
easy to analyse hands equity, EV and amount won
- Time into Session by WhiteRider Jul. 14, 20122706 downloadsA Player report which groups stats by the time into a table session at which they were played. The report displays blocks of 10 minutes but you can remove the "Mins In" stat from the report to have it group by hour instead if you prefer.
- Flopped Sets by kraada Jul. 16, 20124193 downloads
This popular report was originally created by AlonAlbert and has now been updated for use in PT4.
The report shows pocket pairs, how many times you saw a flop with those pocket pairs, and how many times you flopped a set given that you saw the flop with those pocket pairs. It then shows you the ratio of flops seen to pocket pairs. If the value is less than one in 8.3 it is colored green and indicates having seen more sets than expected. If the value is more than one in 8.3 it is colored red and indicates having seen fewer sets than expected.
- AA vs KK by kraada Jul. 31, 20124127 downloads
This report filters to only hands where one player was dealt AA and another player was dealt KK.
(Note that this report does not require Active Player to hold either of these hands necessarily, but this can be customized further by adding a Simple Filter for active player holding either of the two pairs of hole cards.)
- HUSNG summary by FabioTheDoc Aug. 02, 20123354 downloads
Report indicated for HUSNG players.
This report, which creates a row for each day played, lists: date, number of tournaments played, percentage of winnings (ITM%), total buy-in, average buy-in, total rake paid, ROI%, ROI% adjusted and $/h rate.
- HERO's Cash Report by StevenM Aug. 05, 20122398 downloadsThis is a very helpful report for PT4 users who do not recall all of the screen names for the HEROs in their database. The report just lists all of the HEROs found in the database along with the site where the HERO played, this is done by using an All Players Report grouping with an embedded HERO filter. This is a very convenient tool for people who are coaches, users who play on multiple sites, or for people who provide technical support for PokerTracker 4.
- Tournament Start Time Groupings by WhiteRider Aug. 19, 20123544 downloadsThis is a Player report which groups your tournaments into blocks of time, based on when they started. It has three new custom stats to group by:
- day of the week
- 3 hour block
- 1 hour blockBy default all three stats are included in the report so it will have a row for each hour throughout the week, but you can remove any of these stats to change the grouping to your preference.
- Cash Hand Time Groupings by WhiteRider Aug. 19, 20123165 downloadsThis is a Player report which groups your cash hands into blocks of time. It has three new custom stats to group by:
- day of the week
- 3 hour block
- 1 hour blockBy default all three stats are included in the report so it will have a row for each hour throughout the week, but you can remove any of these stats to change the grouping to your preference.
- Data Grouped - Stack Size g2 by al.everson Apr. 15, 20133056 downloads
It generates a player report grouped by Stack Sizes.
It looks very similar to the one on André Coimbra 's blog that can be found at - General Hand Report by EducaPoker Jul. 10, 20133448 downloads
A general hand report made by
- Bet size and SPR report. by EducaPoker Jul. 10, 20133255 downloads
Report made by which compares action, bet size and SPR.