Custom Statistics
- AFq including Checks by BillGatesIII Oct. 09, 2012635 downloads
Flop, Turn, River and Total AFq stats including Checks in the denominator.
Note: These stats are still different from HEM Agg% stats.
- 4Bet Preflop After Steal by guitarizt Oct. 20, 20122490 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player 4Bet preflop given that he made the open raise from a steal position and had a chance to do so.
Formula: Number of Times Player 4Bet After Steal Raising Preflop / Number of Times Player Could Defend Against a 3Bet After Steal Raising Preflop
- Group By Effective M by kraada Nov. 26, 20122095 downloads
This statistic will group the data in a report by the player's M at the time the hand was played. We use the effective stack preflop to calculate M, and the groupings are:
Dead Zone (M <= 1)
Red Zone (M Between 1 and 5)
Orange Zone (M between 5 and 10)
Yellow Zone (M between 10 and 20)
Green Zone (M between 20 and 50)
Blue Zone (M >= 50) - Call vs EP Open by Stratocaster Dec. 07, 20122779 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player calls an open raise from early position when nobody else has entered the pot other than the raiser.
- Call vs MP Open by Stratocaster Dec. 07, 20122658 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player calls an open raise from middle position when nobody else has entered the pot other than the raiser.
- XR Flop and XR Turn in 3Bet and Non-3Bet Pot by BillGatesIII Jan. 22, 2013930 downloads
Check-raise flop and check-raise turn in 3Bet and non-3Bet pots. The turn stat does not take the flop action into account.
- Fold to Turn and Fold to River Probe Bet in 3Bet Pot by BillGatesIII Jan. 22, 20131199 downloads
Fold to turn and fold to river probe bet in 3bet pots. The river stat does not take the flop action into account.
- Fold to Flop Float Bet in 3Bet Pot by BillGatesIII Jan. 27, 20134154 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player folded to a float bet when he was the aggressor and had 3bet or more preflop given that the player checked the flop out of position and faced the float bet.
- 3Bet Flop after making CBet by BillGatesIII Feb. 01, 20132144 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player 3Bet on the flop after making a CBet given that he had a chance to do so.
- Fold SB to Steal by Kirschberg66 Feb. 20, 20132937 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player Fold SB to Steal.
- Fold BB to Steal by Kirschberg66 Feb. 20, 20133050 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player Fold BB to Steal.
- Average Tournament Buyin (For Reports Only) by StevenM Feb. 26, 20131731 downloadsUse this custom stat to display the average tournament buyin for a player. The "Tournaments" stat must be included in any report where Average Tournament Buyin is displayed, if the "Tournaments" stat is not included you may experience a database query error. This custom stat can only be used in reports, the underlying database tables are not accessable in the HUD.
- Fold to PF5Bet after 4Bet by WhiteRider Mar. 25, 20132971 downloadsPercentage of the time that a player folded to a 5Bet (or higher) given that they made a 4bet preflop. Formula: Number of Times Player Folded to a 5Bet After 4Betting Preflop / Number of Times Player Could Fold to a 5Bet after 4Betting Preflop