Custom Statistics
- Rake in BB/100 by Michael_M112 Aug. 28, 20088018 downloads
Amount of Rake paid in BB/100
- % Cold Call PreFlop on Button by BadLieutenant Sep. 03, 20087384 downloads
positional CCPF
- % Cold Call PreFlop on Hijack by BadLieutenant Sep. 03, 20086581 downloads
positional CCPF
- % Cold Call PreFlop on Cutoff by BadLieutenant Sep. 03, 20087144 downloads
positional CCPF
- % Cold Call PreFlop on UTG (6max) by BadLieutenant Sep. 03, 20086486 downloads
positional CCPF
- Steal attempts and success by WhiteRider Sep. 05, 20084601 downloads
Cash games. Includes stats for analysing blind steal attempts and success, in both plain % and (x/y) formatting. Also includes stats for the 'hands' section to show checkboxes for attempts and success.
- % Won $ when 3 Bet Preflop by BadLieutenant Sep. 16, 20087182 downloads
% of times the player won money when he 3bet preflop
- % Won $ when 4 Bet Preflop by BadLieutenant Sep. 16, 20086465 downloads
% of times the player won money when he 4bet preflop
- Full Ring VPIP 3 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 18, 20086324 downloads
VPIP from 3 off the button (Same as VPIP UTG 6 max)
- Full Ring VPIP 4 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 18, 20086356 downloads
VPIP from 4 off the button
- Full Ring VPIP 5 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 18, 20086316 downloads
VPIP from 5 off the button
- Full Ring VPIP 6 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 18, 20086790 downloads
VPIP from 6 off the button(UTG in 9 seat table)
- Full Ring VPIP 7 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 18, 20086439 downloads
VPIP from 7 off the button(UTG in 10 seat table)
- Full Ring PFR 3 off the button by faintinggoat Sep. 20, 20086599 downloads
PFR from 3 off the button (Same as VPIP UTG 6 max)