Customize Your PokerTracker Stats


Custom Statistics

  • Players in Hand (HCH) by WhiteRider Dec. 31, 2010

    The number of players dealt into the hand, for use in reports showing individual Holdem Cash Hands.

  • Full Ring RFI w/ All 9 Positions by A Null Sects Jan. 13, 2011

    This will show you a villain's Raise First In statistic in each of the 9 positions for Full Ring. This statistic completely ignores whether or not someone had limped prior to the villain raising.

    * Disclaimer, I use slightly different names for some positions. I call MP2 "Hump" because it's equidistant between the blinds, and I call the three positions prior the Hump/MP2 - EP1 (UTG), EP2 (UTG+1), & EP3 (UTG+2). If you have a problem with me using my own names well then too bad.

  • LIVE Stack in BB (omaha cash) by WhiteRider Mar. 14, 2011

    "Live" stat for HUD use - displays a player's stack in BBs, based on information from the end of the previous hand.
    This will be wrong for one hand after a player rebuys.

  • LIVE Stack in BB (holdem tourney) by WhiteRider Mar. 14, 2011

    "Live" stat for HUD use - displays a player's stack in BBs, based on information from the end of the previous hand.
    This will be wrong for one hand after a player rebuys or the level changes.

  • LIVE Stack in BB (omaha tourney) by WhiteRider Mar. 14, 2011

    "Live" stat for HUD use - displays a player's stack in BBs, based on information from the end of the previous hand.
    This will be wrong for one hand after a player rebuys or the level changes.

  • Stack Size in bb's (for tourney) by MaxWeiss Mar. 19, 2011

    Using info from the included "M" stat, I just made a stat for stack size in bb's (which shows the stack size at the beginning of the hand). This has the disadvantage of not counting antes at all, but hey, a lot of people just like to know how many bb's they have left, so I decided to just make the stat. It's called "bb Stack Size" in tourney player statisitcs. Obv you should have your HUD refreshing every hand in order to use this.

  • Stack Depth (In BB) by d1ab0lic Apr. 02, 2011

    The players total stack divided by the big blind value. This is useful for heads up players who need to use Nash push/fold charts.

  • LIVE Stack in BB (holdem cash) by WhiteRider Apr. 05, 2011

    "Live" stat for HUD use - displays a player's stack in BBs, based on information from the end of the previous hand.
    This will be wrong for one hand after a player rebuys.

  • Points iPoker (HCPS) by WhiteRider Apr. 22, 2011

    Holdem Cash Player Statistics stat to show the points earned in iPoker hands. Can be added to any report showing player statistics, including my "HCPS Session statistics" report, which is also available for download.

  • Points iPoker (HCH) by WhiteRider Apr. 22, 2011

    Holdem Cash Hand stat to show the points earned in iPoker hands. Can be added to any report showing individual hands.

  • River Call Efficiency (HCPS) by WhiteRider Apr. 22, 2011

    River Call Efficiency stat for Holdem Cash Player Statistics section - can be added to any report showing player stats. Thread

  • River Call Efficiency (HCH) by WhiteRider Apr. 22, 2011

    River Call Efficiency stat for Holdem Cash Hands section - can be added to any report showing individual hands. Thread

  • [Tournament] $/Hour by WhiteRider May. 16, 2011

    $/Hour stat for tournament winnings. This can be used in any report showing overall tournament results.

  • Effective Stack in #BB (HU only) by Parket May. 20, 2011

    Live statistic for showing the effective stack size in #BB when playing heads-up. Note that it is of no use (and incorrect) with more than 2 players.
    It has the same limitation as other BB-based live statistics: the BB value is based on the previous hand and will therefore be incorrect in the first hand of a new blind level.

  • Net Won / ROI Known by Parket May. 23, 2011

    Net Won and ROI for tournaments with known finishes only.
    This is useful for sites for which you don't have all finishes of everyone. PT3 will show a 0 finish and $0 won for players for whom the result is not known. This will adversely influence their results as they might actually have won some money, only it is not known to us.
    This custom stat ignores the results for which the result was not known (i.e. finish = 0). Note that more custom stats can be derived based on this, like #tournaments, $/day, etc... but I only did the two that are most important.

  • Omaha Win% high/low/scoop (cash) by WhiteRider Jun. 17, 2011

    There are 3 omaha stats - the percentage of high pots won, of low pots, and the percentage of hands where there was a low pot which you won both high and low (scoops).

  • Omaha Win% high/low/scoop (tourney) by WhiteRider Jun. 17, 2011

    There are 3 omaha stats - the percentage of high pots won, of low pots, and the percentage of hands where there was a low pot which you won both high and low (scoops).

  • Delay CBet Turn by kraada Jun. 24, 2011

    Percentage of the time that a player could cbet the flop, checked instead, faced no other aggressive flop action, and bet the turn when he had a chance to open the pot.

  • Cashout by Parket Jul. 14, 2011

    Jennifear's BRM article ( proposes a cashout strategy based on the buy-ins of every tournament played, regardless of how much you won.

    This statistic will offer the amount to be cashed out for every tournament. The Tournaments overview can then be used to get the total amount to be cashed out.

    This stat is a bit more detailed than Jennifear's proposal as it takes into account:
    * any fieldsize (where DONs and Fifty50s are considered similar to HU). More players normally means higher ROI and therefore higher cashout. Some examples: 2:1.9%, 10:4.2%, 18:5.1%, 90:7.8%, 500:10.8%, etc.. Edit the 'amt_cashout_base' column to tweak this to your own liking.
    * blindlevel speed. Turbo and SuperTurbo normally have lower ROI and therefore lower cashout. My implementation takes 2/3 and 1/2 of the Normal speed cashouts respectively. Edit the 'amt_cashout' column to tweak this to your own liking.

  • CB turn i3BP by MoniesRemovalPLC Sep. 28, 2011

    turn CB in 3-bet pot