OnGame Configuration Guide

PokerTracker 3 version 3.10
October 25, 2013
  • Overview

    All poker clients affiliated with OnGame are compatible with PokerTracker3. All OnGame references will refer to all the poker clients affiliated with OnGame. For example, Chan Poker, Mansion Poker, and all other poker clients will be referred to as OnGame.

    View the complete list of OnGame's affiliates (click the For Players And Affiliates tab).

    This guide is intended for users who wish to manually configure PokerTracker 3 to import hand histories from OnGame in the event that hand histories are not automatically configured for import. 

    For information on installing and setting up PokerTracker 3, see the PokerTracker 3 Quick Start Guide.

  • Auto Importing Hand Histories


    The new (June 2009 onwards) OnGame client software automatically writes hand histories to text files in the following folders, which are O/S dependent.

    Windows XP:
    C:\Documents and Settings\name\Local Settings\Application Data\P5\pokersite\handhistory

    Windows Vista / Windows 7:

    Note: 'name' and 'pokersite' in the above listed folders are your Windows account name and the poker site that you are playing on.

    On the Auto Import tab in PokerTracker 3, select OnGame from the site list on the left hand side, then click the OnGame Configuration tab to the right.

    Tip: If you do not see OnGame listed, check the Show Hidden Sites option.

    If you do not see your hand history folder listed, click the Auto Detect button. This should add the correct folder to the Directories Configuration. If it doesn’t, you can manually select the file using the Addbutton.

    If you play at more than one OnGame site, make sure that all of your sites' hand history folders are listed here.

    If you wish PokerTracker 3 to start importing hands from OnGame whenever you start auto importing, enable the Automatically Start With Auto-Import option.


  • Configuring Language for OnGame

    The OnGame client must be installed in the English language.

    PokerTracker 3 currently only supports English and if the OnGame client is installed in another language it will cause problems.

    If you have the client installed in another language you will need to uninstall it and reinstall using English.

  • Preferred Seating for OnGame

    The OnGame Network allows you to choose your preferred seat at each table size, PokerTracker 3 has matching options. You need to configure your 888 Poker Network software to save hand history files as you play.  In the poker lobby click Settings on the top right hand side of the poker skin. 

    OnGame Settings


    Choose your preferred seat for each table size by clicking on the seat as shown in the screen shot below. The example below shows a preference for seat  #8 out of ten possible seats.


    OnGame Seating


    Seat numbering for the OnGame network starts with seat 1 at the top-left hand side of the table, just above the nine o'clock position with numbers increase clockwise.


    OnGame Config



  • Manually Importing Hand Histories

    If you have a lot of (new) hand histories that you wish to import you should also use the Manual Import tab instead of Auto Import. To manually import hand histories from OnGame do the following:

    1. Navigate to the Import -> Manual Import tab if you are not already there.
    2. You can either import a several files using the Import from File(s) button or you can import from an entire directory using the Import from Directory button.
    3. Browse to and locate the hand history file(s) or directory where the hand histories are located.

    PokerTracker will now import all of the file(s) selected or the file(s) located in the directory that was selected.

  • Old OnGame Hand Histories

    Until June 2009 OnGame used a database file to store all your hand histories, rather than individual text files.

    If you have any old hand histories stored in this way then you should use the Manual Import tab > Import From File option to import all of your previously played hands from each of your sites.

    This file is probably something like this:

    C:\Program Files\HollywoodPoker\Resources\Databases\statistics.db
    If this database file is detected by Auto Import (see Auto Import > OnGame Configuration tab) then once you have done the manual import (and checked the Texas Holdem > Cash Games and Tournaments tabs to make sure everything imported OK - click Refresh if you don’t see the newly imported hands) you should clear the hand history database file.
    To do this click the Clear Databases Now button. This will empty the OnGame statistics file but will not affect your PokerTracker 3 databases at all.
    Once your OnGame client is using the new software then this will no longer be necessary.

