This step is very important and your action depends on whether you are preserving an existing database or creating a new database.
If you are reinstalling PostgreSQL with an existing database (you did not delete your PostgreSQL directory during uninstall) then you must uncheck Initialize database cluster. Your PostgreSQL database user and password will be retained from your previous PostgreSQL installation.
If you are installing PostgreSQL for the first time or you are not preserving an old database (you deleted your PostgreSQL directory during uninstall) then you must leave Initialize database cluster checked.
For both the Encoding (Server) and (Client) select SQL_ASCII.
Enter the default Password 'dbpass' (no quotes). Then enter the 'dbpass' Password (again).
Leave all other fields as the default value.
Proceed to click Next through the next three steps leaving all values as their default. PostgreSQL will then proceed with installation onto your computer.
Note: If during installation it fails to create the postgres service account then one of two problems occurred:
You did not properly delete your previous postgres service account. Go back to the Deleting the PostgreSQL Service Account section in this guide then you can proceed with running the PostgreSQL installer again.
You are not logged into an Administrator's account. PostgreSQL requires that you have administrative privileges to properly install.
(If you have deleted the PostgreSQL service account and are logged into Windows as an "Administrators" account then please contact PokerTracker support)
PostgreSQL should install properly and which point you will reach the Installation complete window. Uncheck Launch Stack Builder at Exit and then click the Finish button.