You can define your HUD's behavior by clicking Hud -> Edit Hud Options from the main menu.
This will bring up the Hud Options Configuration window which has two pages, General Settings and Profile Select.
Let's first review General Settings.
From here you can change a wide range of HUD settings.
On the General tab you can define filters which restrict the data the Hud displays based on the current table you're playing.
You can change the Minimum Hands Required before your HUD displays for a player, whether the stats are from only the current cash stake or current bet type that you are playing ("bet type" means no limit, pot limit or fixed limit; cash and tournaments, and holdem and omaha, stats are always separate), and whether to display Session Stats for Tooltips as well as lifetime data.
Stats from the last X hands causes the Hud to only display data from the most recent number of hands you define. Note that this option prevents use of the database cache which will slow stat retrieval down significantly in large databases.
Instead we recommend using the Stats from the last X weeks option; this causes the Hud to shown only recent data while still allowing the cache to be used to maintain optimum performance.
The Number of Players Filtered setting is used to filter the HUD data based on the number of players currently seated at the table.
Here you define the minimum and maximum number of players in each range, and the Hud will show stats from previous hands with that many players whenever the current number of players is within that range.
The first range which matches the current number of players is used. For example if you have ranges 6-10 then 5-6 then if there are currently 6 players at your table it will display stats from previous hands where there were between 6 and 10 players; if there are are currently 5 players at your table then it will display stats from hands where there were between 5 and 6 players involved.
The Mucked Cards section defines whether the board cards and player cards will be displayed when a hand goes to showdown, how long for and how translucent they will be, and whether equities are displayed for known hole cards.
Tournament Stacks filters allow you to restrict data shown in the Hud for tournaments to hands a player previously played with similar stack sizes. 'Player Stack' defines the player's current stack and 'Show Hands With' defines which stack sizes to retrieve data for.
For example, if you select the 3-15BB range for player stacks 5-10BB then whenever a player has a stack between 5 and 10BB it will display data based on previous hands where they had a stack between 3 and 15BB.
Refresh Rates allows you to define how often the Hud updates custom stat values. This setting was introduced before custom stats could be cached to reduce delays caused by updating custom stat data too often. Now that custom stats can be cached this isn't normally needed, and should only be used if you have a significant number of uncached custom stats and a large database and are seeing delays in Hud updates.
On the Advanced tab you can set less frequently used options.
Change your Read From Databases settings if you want the Hud to display data from more than one database.
In the Hud Display Options section you can restrict how large note tooltips will be and whether or not note colors display a border around the stat group as well as the note icon.
Allow Translucency and Allow Vector Scaling should both be turned on for full Hud functionality.
If you disable Allow Translucency the Hud will always be solid - this can help performance on some weaker computers but should not be necessary on modern systems.
Allow Vector Scaling causes the Hud to scale as you make the table window bigger or smaller; turning it off will cause the Hud to display at a fixed size and may be useful if you need a very precise layout in a lot of small table windows for example.
Allow Table Selection Tool to Appear When Necessary will cause the table selection Hud overlay to appear when there are multiple table windows of the same type and PokerTracker cannot automatically determine which table is associated with which hand history. This does not affect many sites; just a few cases where tournament numbers do not match between the hand history and the table window for example.
Group Display Type is a unique feature in PokerTracker 4 that will allow you to lower the opacity of a Table Group unless the mouse is hovering over the selected group.
This feature is very helpful when playing on tables where there is little room to display the HUD table groups without blocking some information at the poker table.
Set the opacity for this feature using the Lower Opacity To setting, and then enable the option in the Hud Profile Editor for each Group where you want it to apply using the Display Type setting in Group Properties as shown below.
The Profile Select page allows you to tell PokerTracker 4 when certain HUD profiles should be used.
First select either cash games ($) or tournaments (T) along the top, and make any changes using the drop-down menus to select a profile and restict which types of tables that profile will be used for.
Once you've made all of your changes, click Add and your preference will show below in the Active Profile Definitions list below.
To use just the same HUD profile for any/all situations select the profile and change every option to ANY, click Add, and make sure it's the only Active Profile Definition.
If you set a profile to be the default for a table type from the PT4 HUD Icon menu, then the preference will be automatically populated in this window as well.
Once you've made all of your changes, click OK to save your selected options.