HHPoker Configuration Guide

PokerTracker 4 version 4.18
June 20, 2024
  • Overview

    HHPoker is a poker site which is normally played on a phone or tablet, but it can also be played on a Windows computer using an Android Emulator.  When played on a Windows computer you can use a third party application called EliteHud which allows  PokerTracker 4 to import hand histories and display the Heads-up display (Hud).

    Please visit EliteHud.com for more information and directions on how to register and use EliteHud for HHPoker.

    PokerTracker 4 will import the text hand histories that are saved by the EliteHud hand generator.  Once imported, these hands are stored within PostgreSQL and made available for review and analysis in your PT4 database. This process must be correctly configured so that PokerTracker 4 can retrieve these hand histories and also display the Heads Up Display (Hud) on your HHPoker table.

    For general information on the initial setup of PokerTracker 4, please consult the PokerTracker 4 Quick Start Guide.

  • Configuring HHPoker Hand Histories in PT4

    In order for PokerTracker 4 to import hands generated by the EliteHud hand generator for HHPoker as you play it needs to be configured to know where the hand histories are being saved.

    You can do this either using the Setup Assistant or the Import Configuration window, as shown below. 

    In either case click the 'Add' button and select the folder which the EliteHud hand converter is saving hand histories to.  This is a folder called "hh" which is in the same folder where the converter resides.  Please read the directions on the EliteHud website for more information on how to run the hand converter.

    • Setup Assistant

      The Setup Assistant runs automatically when you first use PokerTracker 4, or you can run it at any time using the menu Tools > Setup Assistant.  Most sites which are installed will be detected automatically, but because of the way that HHPoker works with the EiteHud hand generator you will need to turn HHPoker site on and configure it manually, as shown below.

    • Import Configuration

      To open the Import Configuration window either right click the site in the Play Poker tab, or use the menu Configure > Sites & Import Options.

      If using the Import Configuration window be sure to turn on the Get Hands From Site While Playing option, as well as configuring the hand history folder by selecting Directories Configuration and then Add.

  • HHPoker Player Names

    Because HHPoker players are able to change their screennames frequently the EliteHud hand generator uses the player identification (ID) numbers instead of the visible screenname.

    This means that all HHPoker player names in PokerTracker 4 are 10 digit numbers.  Although this makes it harder to match up names in PokerTracker 4 with the visible names at the table it allows us to track your opponents' stats from all games you play with them, even if they change their screenname.

    The Hud will position the stats by the correct seats automatically based on the seat numbers in the hand histories.
