NoteCaddy Quick Start Guide (Discontinued)

PokerTracker 4 version 4.15+
August 29, 2024
  • What is NoteCaddy?

    The NoteCaddy Beta has been discontinued with the PokerTracker 4.18 release which only supports 64-bit machines.

    Opponent stats and notes can sometimes be overwhelming and we have a limited amount of time to process them.  Notecaddy solves this problem by deeply analyzing your hand histories and then combining all the data into a highly visual output. 
    Essentially NoteCaddy helps you absorb a lot of information in a short amount of time.

    For example:

    Instead of trying to filter through 45 notes trying to find out what hands this opponent showed down when he 3bet on the BB vs the SB, Notecaddy conveniently combines all that data into a concise note detailing his hole-card range (on the left) and on the right side the CaddySpark graph indicates how likely his hand is to be strong or weak when he makes this action.

    Sample NoteCaddy Note with CaddySpark Graph

    You can visit the Notecaddy FAQ for more information on how to interpret these stats and graphs.

    Visit the Notecaddy product page for an overview of NoteCaddy.

  • Getting Started With NoteCaddy

    When you are registered for NoteCaddy it will be downloaded and installed automatically the next time that you run PokerTracker 4.

    On the first run, the NoteCaddy Setup Wizard will be displayed to walk you through setup.

    Step 1 - Welcome to NoteCaddy!

    Step 2 - Set up database connection
    The wizard should automatically detect the PostgreSQL version being used by PokerTracker 4, and should only need to be changed if you have multiple PostgreSQL versions installed and the wrong one was pre-selected.

    Step 3 - Choose database to use
    The wizard will automatically select your default PokerTracker 4 database but all PokerTracker 4 databases will be listed so you can select a different one for NoteCaddy to use if you prefer.

    Step 4 - Client Note Files
    If you play at PokerStars or Full Tilt and have taken any notes or set any player colors within the PokerStars software then NoteCaddy should detect your notes file to facilitate automated coloring.

    Step 5 - Select Ultimate Packs
    If you have a NoteCaddy Ultimate license then the wizard will display any note definitions and Hud packs which are included with your subscription.  Select any of these that you want to use and they will be installed automatically.
    Some packs will include note definitions which are used by NoteCaddy to generate notes and create stats which you can add to Hud profiles in PokerTracker 4, and others will contain pre-built Hud profiles which will be added to PokerTracker 4 automatically.

    Step 6 - Downloading Selected Packs
    Any NoteCaddy Ultimate packs which you selected in step 5 will be installed during this step; note definitions will be added to NoteCaddy and the stats will be available in PokerTracker 4 for inclusion in your own Huds, and Hud profiles will be added to PokerTracker 4.

    See Where Can I Find NoteCaddy Notes for how to edit and use the Hud profile(s) available in your NoteCaddy Ultimate Packs, or How can I add a Notecaddy Stat to the HUD or a Popup? for how to add notes to your own Hud.

  • Opening and Closing NoteCaddy

    The NoteCaddy application will run automatically when you start PokerTracker 4, and will close automatically when PokerTracker 4 is closed. During normal use, NoteCaddy will run in the background to create notes while PokerTracker 4 is active, and it does not need to be visible to provide data to the Hud.

    To change settings or note definitions in NoteCaddy, open NoteCaddy via the PokerTracker+ menu: PokerTracker+ > NoteCaddy > Show NoteCaddy.

    NoteCaddy Menu within PT4
  • Where can I find NoteCaddy Notes?

    Once you have some note definitions in NoteCaddy and a Hud profile (either one included with your NoteCaddy Ultimate license, or one you created yourself) you can select one of these profiles at the table like you would any other Hud profile.

    Click the PT-icon on the table and choose Change Profile then select the profile you want to use.

    If you have a profile that you want to use at all of your tables you can use the Set Profile as Default for this Table Type option from this same menu, or you can pre-select profiles using the Profile Select section of the Hud Options page.

    As an example; the 'Edge' profile shown here displays several stats and NoteCaddy badges which give a quick overview of a player. 

    NoteCaddy Badges in the HUD (Zoomed)

    Clicking on individual stats will open relevant popups containing more detailed NoteCaddy stats, like these:

    NoteCaddy HUD Popup

    NoteCaddy HUD Popup by Position

    For information on customizing your own profiles with NoteCaddy stats see the next section of this guide.

  • How can I add a Notecaddy Stat to the HUD or a Popup?

    Go to HUD > Edit Hud Profiles. Select the Profile that you want to update and then select the HUD or Popup group you want to add a stat to. Click the + and choose Add Statistic as shown below:


    Adding a NoteCaddy Stat to a HUD profile


    Scroll to the Notecaddy category, or filter for 3rd Party Stats like NoteCaddy stats using the dropdown selector (as shown below).  If you know the name of the stat you want to add you can type in the search box instead.

    Choose the NoteCaddy stats that you want to add by double clicking as you would for any other stat. You can then filter to only display 3rd party stats such as NoteCaddy's by selecting 'Show 3rd Party Stats' as highlighted in the screenshot below:

    Locating NoteCaddy Stats via the Stat Selector
  • Types of NoteCaddy stats

    NoteCaddy has different ways of displaying the data for each note definition, and which of these you choose to use is up to you and depends on how you want to lay out your Hud.

    The different types of stats can be seen here for the CBetsInPosition note definition. 

    Here are these stats displayed in a popup in the same order.

    The Note combines a text display of the note information along with the spark graph and scatter graph.

    The ScatterGraph and SparkGraph display graphical interpretations of the data and may be included in the Hud individually rather than as part of a "Note".

    The Stat displays the data as a percentage value much like most PT4 stats (the times/opportunities display is optional, and is configured by setting the 'Show Times/Opportunities' property in the Hud Editor).

    The Text is the text of the note with the street ([F] for flop in this case) and the number and percentage of actions taken (where appropriate).

    Note: In PokerTracker 4 all of these different types are referred to as "statistics" (or 'stats'), whether they display a note, a statistic or a graph.

    Not all types are available for all note definitions as they are determined by the type of data that the note generates.

    You can use a mixture of NoteCaddy and PokerTracker stats within the same Hud group or popup.

    Visit the Notecaddy FAQ for more information on how to interpret these stats and graphs, and for more information on customizing your Hud in PokerTracker 4 visit the Advanced Hud Guide.

    Note: NoteCaddy does not use the 'Number of Players Filtered' settings from PokerTracker 4's Hud Options, or the Hud's Position property, so these need to be defined in NoteCaddy itself for NoteCaddy stats.

  • How can I import NoteCaddy notes or coaching packs?

    Any coaching packs of note definitions or Hud profiles that are included with your NoteCaddy Ultimate subscription can be installed as part of the Setup Wizard, and you can also manage them later using the link on the Start panel in NoteCaddy.


    If you download more note definitions or coaching packs you can import them into NoteCaddy manually.

    To do this first open the NoteCaddy window from the PokerTracker 4 menu: PokerTracker+ > NoteCaddy > Show NoteCaddy.  From the NoteCaddy menu select Tools > Import, and then select the appropriate option to import your Note Defintions, Color Definitions or Coaching Package.

    Importing Note Definitions and Packs

    Importing definitions will create pending tasks that will need to be run to create the actual notes, and these notes will then be available in PokerTracker 4 for inclusion in your own Huds.
    Any Hud profiles included in a coaching pack will be added to PokerTracker 4 for use at the table.

    See Where Can I Find NoteCaddy Notes for how to edit and use the Hud profile(s) available in your NoteCaddy Ultimate Packs, or How can I add a Notecaddy Stat to the HUD or a Popup? for how to add notes to your own Hud.

    For more information see the NoteCaddy wiki.

  • Why is NoteCaddy using so much CPU?

    NoteCaddy can be configured to use a different number of threads depending on the balance you prefer between speed and performance. 

    To reduce the CPU load on your computer reduce the number of threads which NoteCaddy uses on the 'Creating Notes' pane.

    Using more threads can be useful when you have a large backlog of hands to process (if you reset and recreate the notes for example) but in normal use using fewer threads will mean that NoteCaddy uses less processing power, and it will keep up with your live play.

  • How can I make NoteCaddy create notes faster?

    NoteCaddy can be configured to use a different number of threads depending on the balance you prefer between speed and performance.

    To create notes faster increase the number of threads which NoteCaddy uses on the 'Creating Notes' pane.  (See screenshot above)

    Using more threads can be useful when you have a large backlog of hands to process (if you reset and recreate the notes for example) but in normal use using fewer threads will mean that NoteCaddy uses less processing power, and it will keep up with your live play.

  • Further Help

    For more information on stats, notes and all things NoteCaddy related please visit the Notecaddy FAQ or contact the NoteCaddy support team.
