Equity Calculator

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 18, 2023
  • Overview

    The Equity Calculator is a powerful tool built into PokerTracker 4.  It can be accessed as a stand-alone calculator, or the hands can be automatically populated through the Hand History Replayer.

    This calculator allows you to visualize the equity of hands and ranges against other hands and ranges.
    Not only does this calculator work for Holdem, it also works for Omaha Hi and Omaha Hi-Lo games as well.

    This tutorial is going to teach you how to use and get the most from this feature.

  • Using The Equity Calculator

    To open the Equity Calculator, go to Tools > Equity Calculator.  

    opening equity calculator

    From this window you can set hands/ranges for up to 10 players, set the board cards, and calculate equities.

    equity calculation program

    Along the top, set the game you are playing.  Use the drop-down menu to select either Holdem, Omaha Hi, or Omaha Hi-Lo.
    Then, enter the board cards.  If you are running a preflop equity calculation, you can leave the board section blank.
    To enter cards you can either type in specific cards (for example "6s, Kh, 4c"), or click the Board text box and then click the cards from the area down below.
    You can also choose to enter Dead cards, which are helpful if any cards have been exposed (for instance, when you are playing live poker).

    The next 10 text boxes represent the hand/range of each players.
    You can calculate the equities of hands/ranges for as few as 2 players, and as many as 10 players.

    To manually enter a hand/range, you can either type the exact cards in (such as "AsKs"), type in a range (such as "TT+", which includes TT, JJ, QQ, KK, and AA), or click the cards down below to select them.  

    When you've made all of your selections, click Calculate down below to see the equities appear to the right.

    Equity Calculator Ranges

    • Hand Range Examples

      Common range notation can be used as a short-cut instead of listing all exact combinations.

      These ranges work for both suited hands (represented as AKs), unsuited hands (like KQo), or both (like T9).  Exact suits can also be specified by listing the suit after both card ranks, like QcJc for the Queen and Jack of Clubs.

      For example:

      • Pairs
        • JJ+ (includes JJ, QQ, KK, AA)
        • 77-55 (55, 66, 77)
      • Suited or unsuited cards
        • AJ+ (includes AJo, AQo, AKo, AJs, AQs, AKs)
        • 65-62 (62, 63, 64, 65)
      • Suited cards
        • ATs+ (includes ATs, AJs, AQs, AKs)
        • K6s-K4s (K4s, K5s, K6s)
      • Unsuited cards
        • AQo+ (AQo, AKo)
        • T7o-T9o (T7o, T8o, T9o)
      • Specific suited cards
        • Tc6c+ (Tc6c, Tc7c, Tc8c, Tc9c, all clubs)
        • AsKs-AsJs (AsKs, AsQs, AsJs, all spades)

      To create a range in the PokerTracker 4 Equity Calculator, the first card must be higher ranking than the second card, if the hand range is not recorded in this order then PokerTracker 4 will automatically correct the range by reversing the order before performing the calculation. The range created will run from the lower card to the higher card entered.

    • Selecting Hand Ranges

      To select a range of hands for a player, click the Sel button for that seat and choose Hand Range Selector... from the drop down menu.  You can also use a random range of hands by selecting Random.

      Hand Range Selection

      This brings up the Hand Range Selector window which allows you to select ranges in a variety of ways.  For instance, you can manually click each hand you want to add to the range in the display above.  Each hand highlighted in red is selected.  

      Selecting Hand Ranges In PT4

      You can also drag the Include and Exclude bars down below.  The more you drag the Include bar to the right, the more hands will be selected above.  And by dragging the Exclude bar right you will deselect more and more strong hands.  The exact range model used with the Include/Exclude bars can be changed from the Model drop-down menu to the left.  

      Another way to select ranges is to click Group Select, which has some built-in ranges you can use and modify.  Once you've made your range selection, click OK to save the range.  

    • Using Wildcards

      In the Hand Range Selector window you will see some purple * cards with the other 52 cards.  These are wildcards and can be used to create more precise ranges.

      equity calculator wild cards

      The wildcards are create in three ways: by row, column, and total wildcard.

      • Rows: The wildcard at the end of a row is a wildcard in that suit.  So if you click the * wildcard at the end of the spade row, it acts as a placeholder for any remaining spade.
      • Columns: The wildcard at the bottom of a column is a wildcard of that rank.  So if you click the * wildcard at the bottom of the 6 column, it acts as a placeholder for any remaining 6.
      • Total Wildcard: The wildcard in the bottom right is a total wildcard and acts as a placeholder for any remaining card left in the deck.

      For instance, here are some ways to use these wildcards:

      6*7*: Any combination of 76, including suited and unsuited combinations.

      *h*h: Any combination that is suited in hearts

      Kd*d: Any combination of suited King hands in diamonds

      As**: Any hand with the Ace of spades and any other card in the deck

      These are just a few ways to use these wildcards.  Explore them on your own to see how powerful they can be when calculating equities and exploring ranges.

  • Using the Equity Calculator in the Replayer

    The Equity Calculator is a tremendous tool when used in the replayer.  To bring it up, click Options and then Launch Equity Calculator.

    launch equity calculator from replayer

    The Equity Calculator will launch and auto-populate with information such as your hole cards, the known board cards, etc.  If villain's hand is unknown, it will assign a random range, but if villain's hole cards are known, they will also be auto-populated.

    using replayer equity calculator

    This allows for simple equity calculations and quick analysis when reviewing hands in the replayer.  You are also able to change hands, ranges, board cards, etc, allowing you to review a single hand in a multitude of ways!  
