Player Name Aliases

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
PokerTracker 4
  • Overview

    If you play at more than one site you may want to combine all your separate players under a single player name in PokerTracker 4 so that you can see your overall results and analyze your play.

    Players that have played at the same table at any time within the database cannot be aliased, only players who have never interacted with one another can be aliased. 

    • Managing Aliases
      • Adding Aliases

        To do this you select the player that you want to be your main name and then add each additional name as an alias.  Start by going to "View Stats" (each tab in this window will allow you to create an alias).  

        View Stats Tab In PT4

        Now select the main screen name (which will be the name for the alias) in the "Player" field.  Then click the little red icon just to the right of that and add the appropriate screen names to link to this alias.  Click "Add" and you can now use this alias for reports, analysis, etc.

        PokerTracker 4 Alias

        Tip! When you have aliased the players together you can still see their results separately by applying a filter for one site or the other.

      • Creating An Alias Example

        As an example, let's say we have two player names at two sites: "PT4isAWESOME" at PokerStars and "PT4isSWEET" on Merge.  We want to combine these so that we see all our hands under "PT4isAWESOME".

        Here's how to set that up in PokerTracker 4:

        Select the main player, in this case PT4isAWESOME, in the player list.  

        Main Player In PT4

        Click the little red button just to the right of the player list.

        Create An Alias In Poker Tracker 4

        The "Alias" window will come up.  Go to "Add" to add another screen name to this alias.

        Add An Alias In PT4

        In the next window, search for the player screen name you wish to add.  In this case, we are searching for PT4isSWEET.  Select it, and then push "OK"

        Search For An Alias In PT4

        You will now see the selected screen name in the "Alias" window.  Click close.

        Correct Alias Name

        Click "Refresh" in the upper right hand corner of PokerTracker 4 and you are ready to go!  You can always manage this alias in the future (either adding or deleting screen names).  You will also know that a particular screen name is an alias when you see this little icon to the right of a selected player.

        Alias Management In Poker Tracker 4