Technical Issues

  • I have installed PokerTracker 3. What is my password?

    PokerTracker 3 does not contain a password; however, the PostgreSQL database which is installed does require a password which you are prompted to choose during installation. If you did not select a password then the default password is 'dbpass' (no quotes).

  • What is PostgreSQL and is it required to use PokerTracker 3?

    PostgreSQL is an open-source database server which is free to use. It is not owned by PokerTracker Software, LLC. nor have any PokerTracker employee's been involved in the PostgreSQL coding/development. To learn more about PostgreSQL, please visit

    Yes, PostgreSQL is required to work PokerTracker 3 and will automatically install it for you. PokerTracker stores all of your hands and various stats into your PostgreSQL database for retrieval at a later time therefore PostgreSQL.

  • Stats are slow to retrieve in PokerTracker 3 and/or stats are slow to display/update in the HUD.

    Databases grow with the number of hands that are imported and over time performance will start to slow down. It is imperative that you frequently run PokerTracker 3's Housekeeping via Database->Housekeeping. We recommend that you:

    • CLUSTER: Every 50,000 - 100,000 hands
    • VACUUM: Every 10,000 - 20,000 hands (same time as analyze)
    • ANALYZE: Every 10,000 - 20,000 hands (same time as vacuum)
    • UPDATE CACHE: Every 25,000 - 50,000 hands

    Performing the above housekeeping on a regular basis will keep PokerTracker operating at its fastest possible performance.

    PokerTracker 4 automates database maintenance for our users, we highly recommend that all PokerTracker 3 users switch to PokerTracker 4 for this and many other reasons.  

  • What is my PostgreSQL password?

    Your PostgreSQL password was chosen when you initially installed PostgreSQL (whether by the PT3 installer or manual installation).

    If you did not change the default PT3 installer password for PostgreSQL then it is 'dbpass' (no quotes).

    If 'dbpass' does not work or you do not remember the password that you created, you can configure PostgreSQL to not require a password:

    How To: Remove PostgreSQL Password

  • Other technical questions...

    There is an entire list of comprehensive FAQ's and Tutorials available in the PokerTracker 3 - FAQ forum. If you still have a question or need assistance, please post in the forums or contact us via the Support System and we will gladly assist you.