RAM speed 1600~2133 and PT/postgre

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RAM speed 1600~2133 and PT/postgre

Postby lucas7 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:43 am

I'm gonna build a new desktop soon dedicated for poker and PT3/4(in terms of appropriate hardware I don't think there'll be any differences between those two), and I'll have some questions. Of course now I'm still reading/learning from PTforum and computing sites, but this thread as in subject I'd like to dedicate just to that one simple issue. I'll go with i7 2600K CPU/Z68 or i7 3820/X79 and 16GB of RAM dual or quad channel. In many tests on the net there's no big difference between 1600MHz(even 1333) or 2133MHz ram as it comes to games, video conversion, file compression (up to 10% in same cases) but what about postgre. Will there be any benefits of 2133 speed over 1600 in terms of PT ? and what about the timings, generally it's better to have 2133MHz memory with slightly higher timings as the faster clock improves memory access time ?
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Re: RAM speed 1600~2133 and PT/postgre

Postby kraada » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:45 am

If it's not affecting those other applications I doubt it will make a difference for PostgreSQL. More important for PostgreSQL would be an SSD - the database (at least given our usage of it) is pretty i/o intensive and having much faster disk access will help you quite a bit more.

From what you're talking about though, I would hope an SSD was a given for at least your primary hard drive.
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Re: RAM speed 1600~2133 and PT/postgre

Postby lucas7 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:15 am

Thanks although it probably won't make a difference I'll go with 1866 or 2133 since the prices aren't much higher now.
And Yes of course! there'll be only ssd drives in my future desktop - but that's completely another subject and I'll make a separate thread for that as soon as I read all I've found.
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