Pokertracker PC

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Pokertracker PC

Postby tmtokvam » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:41 am

First of all, I would like to thank you guys at PT for the enourmous benefit Ive had of Pokertracker during some years now. I am almost ashamed by how much Ive benefited compared to what the product has cost me.I really appreciate both the product and the support Ive been given. Thank you guys!

Well. My back-up pokerPC took its last breath yesterday, so I am about to buy a new one.

As a full time player, there is only one thing that really matters to me. Pokertracker must be able to perform in the best possible way. I mean.. Ive really had an issue with the HUD not always appearing and so on. I am just guessing it has got to do with me playing 25+ tables and this has given Pokertracker an overload or something? It is not due to the issue that I have just sat down at the table.

In addition, it is impossible to graph winnings in chips for every pokerhand Ive got back in time.. I am guessing this is due to an overload because it is some million hands. May I be correct?

So.. well - anyway. My new laptop. What are the hardware that Pokertracker and the HUD relies the most on , what is the critical aspect? Say.,. when I choose a processor, will there be any difference between an i7 vs i5? I guess RAM really isnt an issue due to the prices on RAM nowadays. But what about the graphic-card? Might that increase any performance for the HUD?


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Re: Pokertracker PC

Postby kraada » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:46 am

i7 will be better than an i5 for a variety of reasons, some of which do affect us. More importantly though, get a fast hard drive - an SSD if you can. Most laptop hard drives are quite slow and upgrading to an SSD you'll see a vast improvement in responsiveness across the board. We don't use accelerated graphics for PT3 though we do for PT4 so a graphics card may make some difference there, but we don't do anything too fancy so I wouldn't worry about that one too much.
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Re: Pokertracker PC

Postby tmtokvam » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:02 am

Thanks for the advice!
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:20 am

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