Not Prompted On First Start Up

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Not Prompted On First Start Up

Postby setherson2 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:03 am

I just installed PT3 on my second computer. I installed it on a virtual machine through Parallels. The quick start guide said I would be prompted to install the PostgreSQL database server. I wasn't, the window titled "Configure Server Information" is what popped up next. I clicked "Connect" and got a message that said "Unable to connect to this database. Please check the configuration." I went to the PostgreSQL website and tried to install it myself but it asked for a password so I tried "svcPASS83" and "dbpass" and neither worked.
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Re: Not Prompted On First Start Up

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:59 am

Is it possible that you already have PostgreSQL installed on this computer? If so you'd need to use the existing PostgreSQL password (try 'postgrespass' if you've used another tracker, for instance).
If you click Start and type "services", do you see PostgreSQL in the Services list? Is it started?
If PostgreSQL is not there and you do need to install it any password should work but you can follow the install part of the guide.
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