combining screen names

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combining screen names

Postby Russelldust » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:28 am

I have accounts on several different poker sites, with different screen names.

I know that it is possible to combine my screen names. If I understand correctly, one screen name (e.g. 'Russelldust') will become my 'primary' name, and the others will become aliases for that name.

However, I read somewhere that this operation cannot be reversed. So before I go ahead, please can somebody answer the following questions:

1. After merging my screen names, will typing in any one of my screen names show results for ALL my aliases, as though they were all the same account?

2. Is there a way to filter results by alias? For example, imagine I play as 'Russelldust' on site A and 'DustyBin' on site B. If I want to review my month's winnings, or my overall playing statistics, it makes sense to look at my merged results. However, sometimes I might JUST want to look at my DustyBin results. For example, I know that I have significantly better results on some poker sites than others. Also, I might have a certain table image under a certain screen name, due to playing particular games regularly; thus my playing style may be different against regulars who recognise that screen name.

3. Are there any other disadvantages of merging screen names? I just want to get the full picture before I do something I can't undo.

Thanks. :)
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Re: combining screen names

Postby kraada » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:17 am

Actually, you can remove an alias and it should function properly.

To answer your other questions: your one screen name will show data from all aliases, as if they were the same account. However, you can still filter by site using the Filters tab at the top right. So if you only wanted to see data from Site A, you'd just filter to Site A and data from other sites would be filtered out.

I can't think of any significant disadvantages of aliasing your accounts together, other than that at the time you create the alias it takes quite a while (especially if you have a lot of hands on both names). But once it's done everything goes at normal speed.
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Re: combining screen names

Postby Russelldust » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:00 pm


I have actually thought of one niggly problem: some poker sites use different currencies.

PokerTracker thinks all my poker sites are $. This is no problem when I look at a site in isolation. For example, I know that where PT says I won $511 on Boss Media in March, it was actually EUR not USD.

If I had lost $511 (USD) on another site, I would still be in profit for the month, as €511 equates to around $670. Yet PT3 will think I have broken even.

I can't find any currency options in PT? Is there a way around this? (Other than manually converting all my results to USD!)
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Re: combining screen names

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:18 pm

Currency options will be added to PT3, but I don't know yet when this will be done.
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Re: combining screen names

Postby skllzdatklls » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:05 pm

I don't get how to combine screen names from multiple sites, could anyone help me here please?

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Re: combining screen names

Postby kraada » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:11 pm

Choose the player you want to be the main player from the Player drop down, then click the red player icon next to the player drop down, search for and choose the players you want linked to the primary player.
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