Beta 25 Released

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:40 am

funkyj wrote:Great work on the replayer HUD!

It would be nice to:
  • "sit here" in the replayer so that the hero is always in the same seat (like when I play online)
  • Have an option to show pot equity if known.
  • resize the replayer window and make it bigger I have a huge screen and this tiny replayer window!

Thanks - all of these requests have already been made, and the development team is aware of them.
Keep the ideas coming!
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby Christian H » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:16 pm


Trying out Beta 25 on Pacific Poker I get one of two messages on the majority of hands:

Pacific Poker: Error: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Hand #2140050757) (Hand #2140050757)
Pacific Poker: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Hand #2140051722)

How can I help?
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Christian H
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby merkur33 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:19 pm

At first, thanks for this new version, lots of cool and highly useful features seem to have been included. I just have a few questions/suggestions... :roll:

1. Selective Export: Is there any reason there is no "observed hands only"-feature, equivalent to selective purge? this would be highly useful for those of us who have palyed and observed hand mixed together in huge databases and want to seperate them for perfomance reasons.

2. HUD-Profiles 8-) Do they work together with "save layout?" Meaning, if i create a new profile, drag my screens around (in another pokerroom maybe) and "save layout", will the old profile be untouched? (i strongly hope so, but i'm a little bit confused because there is still only one "save layout" button, not "save layout as...")

3. Do i understand it right that when i export-purge/import hands between databases, i loose any notes made in that hand? What happens to the player notes? If i export some hands from one database and purge them afterwards, what happens to player notes in this first, purged database? If there is no hand left for this player, will he still be in the database, together with the notes(equivalent to players wihtout hands through tourney summaries)? Or do i loose exactly the player notes made in the purged hands?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby kraada » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:35 pm

Christian H wrote:Pacific Poker: Error: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Hand #2140050757) (Hand #2140050757)
Pacific Poker: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Hand #2140051722)

Are you playing play money games? Play money hands aren't supported in PT3. Unexpected end of hand history normally means that the hand is aborted (like a heads up hand where one person decides not to post a blind).

If the "incomplete" hands are complete or the other hands are real money not play money, please zip up the hands that are not importing properly and send them to us via the support system and we'll look into what's causing these problems for you.

merkur33 wrote:1. Selective Export: Is there any reason there is no "observed hands only"-feature, equivalent to selective purge? this would be highly useful for those of us who have palyed and observed hand mixed together in huge databases and want to seperate them for perfomance reasons.

I've requested this and do hope it will be added, unfortunately I'm not certain how soon it will be available. If you export all hands, import them all then purge observed you will have a played hands database, though, so you can do it that way.

merkur33 wrote:2. HUD-Profiles 8-) Do they work together with "save layout?" Meaning, if i create a new profile, drag my screens around (in another pokerroom maybe) and "save layout", will the old profile be untouched? (i strongly hope so, but i'm a little bit confused because there is still only one "save layout" button, not "save layout as...")

The currently active profile gets saved. So say you have two profiles A and B. A has 6 stats and B has 15. If you are using A and move the stat boxes and save the layout then A's location will be saved and B's location won't be touched. If you want to duplicate a layout on the Hud Configuration window click the Options button next to the Profiles and select Duplicate Profile and that'll create an identical profile that you can edit as you'd like and leave the original layout as it was.

merkur33 wrote:3. Do i understand it right that when i export-purge/import hands between databases, i loose any notes made in that hand? What happens to the player notes? If i export some hands from one database and purge them afterwards, what happens to player notes in this first, purged database? If there is no hand left for this player, will he still be in the database, together with the notes(equivalent to players wihtout hands through tourney summaries)? Or do i loose exactly the player notes made in the purged hands?

At the moment player notes are not exported, but this feature is planned. I am not certain what happens to player notes in the purged database, and I'll look into it and I (or someone else) will get back to you about that one.
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby planeswalker » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:14 pm

Is it safe to install Beta25 over Beta 23 (which was downgraded from 24)?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby Christian H » Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:59 pm

kraada wrote:Are you playing play money games? Play money hands aren't supported in PT3. Unexpected end of hand history normally means that the hand is aborted (like a heads up hand where one person decides not to post a blind.

If the "incomplete" hands are complete or the other hands are real money not play money, please zip up the hands that are not importing properly and send them to us via the support system and we'll look into what's causing these problems for you.).

It is not play money hands. I've experimented a bit and the problem doesn't seem to be hand specific. PT3 has no problem auto importing hands I've observed before auto importing is initiated, but gives an error message on 9 out of 10 hands that are auto imported "simultanously".

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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby stillnaive » Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:59 pm

Is there, or will there be, an option to assign a new default HUD profile?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby muhkuhroyal » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:20 pm

What happened to my old HUD stats???? my old hud I configured is totally gone......... how can i restore it?????
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby zedjr » Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:45 am

Same thing happened to me. OLD hud configuration is gone and stats arent placed right and some dont show now. what is going on and how can i fix this?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby Messaa » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:12 am

The "Show HUD" option in replayer doesn't work for me. When I try to check it, PT freezes. I have a pretty big DB.
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