Through an exchange with tarix and WhiteRider the mystery of the vastly slower
imports of some of my Hand History files has been hunted down and cornered.
There still remains a question as to whether the various encoding of the files, i.e.
ANSI versus UTF-8 could also have a small impact on import speeds. This may be the
case because there is a slight overhead for the internal conversion by PSQL of the
UTF-8 encoded .txt files.
However, the cause for the 65% slower import speeds in my tests was:
> > > C H A O S ! < < <
When WhiteRider examined some of the files I used, he found that the newer files
contained Hand Histories that were in no particular order. That is they jumped from
table to table. Each hand was complete and error free. But rather than being in an
order that was sequential and with the same players, PSQL was forced to jump around
in the database file system to perform its work. This of course slowed the work down
by a significant margin. In my case imports slowed down to a third of the speed files
were imported at that had sequential Hand Histories!
Thank you WhiteRider and tarix !
So if you feel that your import speeds are not what they once were or just to make
sure that you aren't giving up a lot of performance to a file issue, open up some of
your Hand History files in notepad and check them for order. You just might be able
to triple the speed of your imports either by setting your provider straight & getting
oderly files by moving to a source that will provide you with 'straight' files.