Mutliple DBs Question

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 8:51 am

p0lak wrote:So is there any difference by using manual import or auto import?? (I guess auto import is mainly therefore if im playing at the moment on a pokerskin that the hands get importet immediately,right) If i already have history on my PC its better to use the Manual Import?

This is correct. Auto import is slower and uses very few resources.

And also i would like to know, where i can look up how big my database is actually, and how many hands i got in the DB?

See the Summary tab.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby Puzz » Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:48 am

WhiteRider wrote:He makes a good point, though - if you want to analyse a particular opponent who you have played against, but also have observed hands on, you won't be able to analyse all his data together if it's in separate DBs. You might have 1000 hands in 1 DB, and 1000 in another.

Just wondering if this point has been addressed and if there are going to be any plans in place to combat this?

I have about 2 milion hands in my poker tracker, and am currently unable to run reports and do filters. When trying to implement filters PT3 just sits there saying "loading..", even if i click refresh. I never get results. With the reports (i downloaded a few from the repository), I imported and ran them, and after a while of processing all I get is a blank grid. I didnt have these problems when my db was smaller in size. I have a lot of observed hands, and not being able to view both my observed hands and played hands at the same time basically means that I must dump all of my hands into one massive DB - and this has been causing me problems.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby bigvb » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:23 am

so will we be able to view multiple db in hud in the future or are you only going to allow 1 database worth of stats
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:15 pm

bigvb wrote:so will we be able to view multiple db in hud in the future or are you only going to allow 1 database worth of stats

The HUD does (or certainly will, there are issues for some at the moment) use multiple databases to show stats, so it won't matter if you have data on a certain player scattered across DBs the HUD will show all their hands if you select the appropriate DBs.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby keggler » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:26 pm

Puzz wrote:
WhiteRider wrote:I have about 2 milion hands in my poker tracker, and am currently unable to run reports and do filters. When trying to implement filters PT3 just sits there saying "loading..", even if i click refresh. I never get results. With the reports (i downloaded a few from the repository), I imported and ran them, and after a while of processing all I get is a blank grid. I didnt have these problems when my db was smaller in size. I have a lot of observed hands, and not being able to view both my observed hands and played hands at the same time basically means that I must dump all of my hands into one massive DB - and this has been causing me problems.


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