Moderator: Moderators
Game # 1149459847 - Texas Hold'em Fixed Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Patras"
Players(max 6):
Player 1 (EUR 30.85 in seat 1)
Player 2 (EUR 66.91 in seat 2)
Player 3 (EUR 24.09 in seat 3)
Hero (EUR 25.00 in seat 4)
Player 4 (EUR 21.33 in seat 5)
Player 5 (EUR 36.71 in seat 6)
Dealer: Player 2
Small Blind: Player 3 (0.25)
Big Blind: Hero (0.50)
Hero was dealt: 9h - 9d
Player 4 Raise (1.00)
Player 5 Raise (1.50)
Player 1 Fold
Player 2 Fold
Player 3 Fold
Hero Fold
Player 4 Call (0.50)
Flop Ks - 5h - 2c
Player 4 Bet (0.50)
Player 5 Call (0.50)
Turn Ks - 5h - 2c - 8c
Player 4 Bet (1.00)
Player 5 Call (1.00)
River Ks - 5h - 2c - 8c - 2s
Player 4 Bet (1.00)
Player 5 Call (1.00)
Player 4 shows: Jc - Kc (two pairs, Kings and Deuces)
Player 5 didn't show hand (Qs - Qd)
Player 4 wins: EUR 8.35 (with two pairs, Kings and Deuces)
Rake: EUR 0.40
Game ended 2009-04-03 22:17:48 GMT+01:00
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