[quote="chumofchance"8no][quote="_dave_"8no][quote="chumofchance"8no]Are people's stats updating on FTP? I'm auto-importing hands (and they're showing up in PT3), but the HUD stats aren't changing at all. They don't even update if I completely restart the HUD.[/quote8no]
Do they hvae numbers in them or only underscores? is it getting the names correct? Do you have old hand histories in the folders it is scearching?[/quote8no]
Ah didn't notice you reposted the FTP download, after reinstalling it stats are now updating, although names are not. So everything looks great, expect for the names.[/quote8no]
do the tooltips show the correct name? or is it getting the wrong people? only reason I can think if it is getting wron people is old HH files lingering around, I'll do something to prevent that somehow.
also, I should have mentioned this but forgot.
[color=#0000FF8no]Auto-Center option is currently not supported on FTP - it will be in the next version, didn't have time last night