okayplayer wrote:I don't know if anyone looks at this anymore, but I was having problems with PT3's HUD (I can't run it w/o it freezing my tables/screen), and I saw this, and tried it out, but so far I haven't been able to get any stats to show up. I did the steps Dave describes... chg db name to PT3 DB, and host to localhost and copied the postgres files he said, and changed everything else which seemed necessary (screenname). The script seems to load fine (green AHK box in right hand corner loads and says found PT3 DB with XXXXX hands), and the GUI thingy comes up and picks up some of my tables (though not all), and also it lists Stars for site on some of the tables, but xxx for others (all tables are Stars). It says 0 plrs as well. I let the script run the whole time I was playing and even tried re-starting PT3 and the script, but no luck. I didn't change anything under the stats section... I figured there was a default and I'd see what I wanted to tweak after that.
Any ideas what I need to do?
same problem, dave , update it please!