Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

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Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby OneNonly » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:03 pm

DISCLAIMER: This is by no means an effort to replace PokerAce HUD or even AHK HUD but an attempt to create a "HUD" that works for those of running under Linux/MacOS.

DISCLAIMER 2: The initial version is very basic and works in a different manner to AHK HUD/ PA HUD. Don't expect the same functionality. However, I will try to continue expanding HALHUD until there is a production version of PT3 with working support for the builtin HUD for both Linux & Windows.
While all care is taken - no responsibility can be taken by the author if the program causes any harm to your system!

DISCLAIMER 3: The "HUD" in these early versions are only refering to a table of player stats - don't expect an overlay that changes as you switch.. (Every Window Manager implements it's list of open windows in a separate way and would take forever to sort.. This may end up being supported for *SOME* sites).

The initial 0.1 release displays a window with "recent tables" (You can edit how recent through the text field - default is 1 day).
Select the appropriate table and the number of hands you have observed a player + their PFR + VPIP stats are showen.

To run this application you require:
Mono/GTK# -
Linux users are best off installing GTK# through their package management system.

For windows users you just need the "Only Gtk# for .NET" - assuming you have .NET 2.0 installed.

If you are interested in extending the application yourself - it's written using MonoDevelop and has the source available.

Head to and hit download to grab any packages. contains the binary for linux/mac users. Run using: "mono path/to/HALHUD.exe"

This initial version is mostly for testing purposes - and only supports cash games. There is a text box in the top right of the screen that sets the postgres "interval" to find hands from - (default "1 day") and can be modified at any time. After changing to another format "interval" recognizes - hit the "Refresh Sessions" button. The drop down will include all recent sessions since then..

The default refresh of table stats is 10 sec. If this is a prob for you - or needs to be customized let me know. I spose I can add a pref for changing this.

Anyway, let me know if you try it and it's any use - hope it helps more people than just myself!

OneNonly/Hal 8001.

PS: I'm not used to using a HUD as I'm a newish poker player - and I only play under linux/macos- so I've never tried PA Hud. If there are other stats that you find "essential" to playing - let me know - I should be able to implement them easily enough.
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Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby MacAnthony » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:05 pm

I will definitely check this out. Thanks!!
Posts: 52
Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:13 pm

Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby feydreva » Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:18 pm


the programs starts properly..
I play couple of session today, and it doesn;t find any of them.
I extended the interval to 10 days, and it just find 1 table. (played 8 days ago)
I can extend to 1000 day, and it still find the same table.
Let me know if I can do more test to help you.
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Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:20 pm

Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby OneNonly » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:11 pm

Oops - just realised there is a line of testing code still in there which won't be helping ;)

Will try to have something out to fix later today :)
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Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:21 pm

Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby OneNonly » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:47 pm

Yep, I was a noob and had the table selection hard coded to id_player = 3 :shock:

0.1.1 is out if you want to try again. Can now input your playername. At this time - can't account for aliases - if people need this I'll look into it.
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Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby feydreva » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:10 pm

Seems to work fine.
But all the session appears twice in the drop down list
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Re: Basic HUD for Mac/Linux users

Postby vamos » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:07 pm

Hi, I've tried this, it connects to postgres ,finds the sessions but the lower text box just gives me "Cannot cast from source type to destination type" and no stats come up in the higher text box. I also get "(HALHUD:12259): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_entry_set_text: assertion `text != NULL' failed" on the terminal. OS is Ubuntu 7.04 any help would be great.
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