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Selective import

Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:36 pm
by alish
i have loads of observed hands that i dont need anymore but i want to keep them before i delete them, when does the next release expected?
and whats that TBE means?
Re: Selective import

Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:37 pm
by alish
also , in the meanwhile is there anyway to deal it via pgadmin or something?
thanks in advance,
Re: Selective import

Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:53 am
by WhiteRider
Do you mean selective export rather than import? Are these hands that you don't want any more in PT3 or in the original hand history files?
Where does it says TBE?
(TBA = To Be Announced)
Re: Selective import

Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:44 am
by alish
sorry for the confusing post.i was in a hurry
i meant:
i want to export specific limits can it be done via pagadmin?
do u have a rough estimate regarding the following release ?
thanks in advance,
Re: Selective import

Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:51 am
by WhiteRider
I don't know how it is done in PGAdmin, although if all you want to do is export hand histories I think it may be possible - one of the database experts may be able to help you out.
I don't have a specific ETA for the next beta, but I think the plan is to put another bug-fix beta out some time this week, then the next one with new features to follow after that, probably a couple of weeks or so later.
Hopefully the
Development Timeline will be updated soon, and also see the
State of PokerTracker - First Edition thread.
Re: Selective import

Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:13 am
by alish
how can i contact with this database expert?
Re: Selective import

Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:05 am
by WhiteRider
There are a few active on this forum, so if someone sees this who knows, I'm sure they'll help.
Re: Selective import

Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:48 pm
by Pat Riot
Can we make a selective import?
I have some huge HH files i got from my poker room, but just i want import some cash game level instead all hands included in those files; Tournement, SnG and diferent levels of cash game...
Re: Selective import

Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:51 am
by WhiteRider
This isn't possible at the moment, but more import options are planned.
For now you will have to import them all and then purge the ones you don't want.
Tutorial: Selective Purge