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BB/100 , BB/hour calculation

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:38 am
by watercool

not an imortant question, but i´m curious....

At my session yesterday (sorted with "session by time") i have a positive "amount won", a negative value at BB/100 and BB/hour and a positive $/hour value. How is that possible? How can i loose f. e. 3BB/100 hands but win 15$ in the overall session? I played two different limits, but still have no explanation for that :)

thx in advance

edit: sry, i think i understand this now. This happens when i´m loosing some BB at the lower limit and win at the higher limit, so my BBs are still negative, but my absolute winnig might be positive...

Re: BB/100 , BB/hour calculation

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:54 am
by WhiteRider
That's right, yes - glad you worked it out!