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Importing Tournaments Results

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:31 pm
by golong
Hi, I am new to pokertracker. I am primarily a tournament player. I have worked out how to import tournament results as i play. Is it possible to import my previous tournaments results for before i was using pokertracker. I have requested my results from pokerstars (where I play) for the last 200 tournaments. I received them to my email copy cut and paste the results and then saved them to both wordpad and notepad in text format, however, when i try to manually import the hands it does not appear to work. I usually get the following message.

Unrecognized file format.
2008/12/02 21:02:25: Import complete. 0 hands in 1 file were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)

I would like to import my previous results if possible.

Re: Importing Tournaments Results

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:06 pm
by WhiteRider
Do you have hand histories for those previous tournaments? You can only import summaries if you already imported the hands.

When you save the files, they need to be nicely formatted with everything on its own line, not all run together.