Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

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Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby whisky » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:18 am

May be you read this post and make some conclusion:
1. STATS IN PEPLAYER. That realy sucks. Some guys ask you to add stats in replayer from the begining PT3. And where is it? Thats why i bought HM and use it to replay hands and see players statistics. And i beging to think why not to use only HM and forget about PT3?
2. Purging hands. You put this options in version v.19 or so ....and???? There is 4 updates and i need 500hours to delite hands for 15 days. But WTF i go to HM and purge hands for 15 days for 1 minite!!!!!! And thats why i must delete my 22 GB base and reimport hands for period i need. AND i spend 2 days for it. That is the reason i think PT realy sucks vs Holdem Manager
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby whisky » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:23 am

And you know. At this moment is smb ask me, which program is the best............ i think you know what i will answer
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby Josh » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:30 am

You are entitled to your opinion. However, there are a lot of people who disagree with you and think PT3 is much better for reasons such as:

  • Customizable stats and reports... MUCH more powerful than what HM offers
  • Importing is faster as well as report speeds (for most)
  • More aesthetically pleasing
  • Better tournament support
Yes, there are a few features that HM has that PT3 doesn't, but that will soon be changing and PT3 offers much that HM does not and may never offer.

If you wish to further discuss competing products, you will need to take your discussion to another forum. This forum is for discussing PT3, not our competition.
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby gspeers » Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:53 pm

I would not necessarily totally agree . . . but I certainly see your point. I think the issue is that essentially all that happened to this point is in the HUD area. It seems that they have neglected adding reports and stats and windows . . . leaving it to us to "customize" our own reports. For example, I am still waiting for the VP$IP stat in the sessions tab. Yes you can double click on mutltiple sessions and get there . . . kind of . . . but that stat is available in PT2. The reply to a number of these types of requests is that "it is planned . . . coming soon . . . and MUCH MUCH MORE. However, when the next update comes out it always focused on fixing HUD problems. If, as they claim, HUD is working so well for most of the people, isn't it time that they started to add all these features that they have been promising?
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby whisky » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:24 pm

Josh wrote:You are entitled to your opinion. However, there are a lot of people who disagree with you and think PT3 is much better for reasons such as:

  • Customizable stats and reports... MUCH more powerful than what HM offers
  • Importing is faster as well as report speeds (for most)
  • More aesthetically pleasing
  • Better tournament support
Yes, there are a few features that HM has that PT3 doesn't, but that will soon be changing and PT3 offers much that HM does not and may never offer.

If you wish to further discuss competing products, you will need to take your discussion to another forum. This forum is for discussing PT3, not our competition.

May be you forget. But the first thing of HM and PT3 was created is to analize and improve the game. I close the session and go to replayer. And i watch the hands i played and my game become better next time. This is basics of that game - studing. But i cant do that in PT3. i dont see the % of my hand, i cant see the stats of oponents. Thats only ONE thing i need. But you add everyting but change nothing in replayer.
Ex my english))
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby Eric Poker » Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:10 pm

I have both and I prefer pt3
because the edge you gain at the table with custom stats is way better then having hud in replayer. Also hud in replayer is in the todo list.
I don't think HM is going to make custom stats ever.
Another point, for me, the hud is important when multitabling and totally useless when playing 1 table at the time. When I review a session, I know how is tight, etc,etc.

I won't say HM suck because I respect both products but I can't imagine what HM can do to make me using HM again
Eric Poker
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby whisky » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:36 pm

I am using PT3 too most the time. But as i said i boutgt HM couse i cant analize sessions in PT. And that means that for me HM was quite enough for my purpuses. And i realy sick to wait and dont see good replayer in every updates. I only see stuff i dont need there. And i wait and dont see good "purge hands option" for a LONG, LONG time too.
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Re: Why i think that PT3 SUCKS vs HM

Postby loc2k » Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:26 am

I have used both, though not HEM extensively due to having already bought PT3. I think any HUD complaints are justified as crashes can cost money. I also perceive development to be crawling, but the PT team seems to be making an effort at progress (hiring programmers). As far as feature complaints, while I would like certain additional features myself, I don't think they are justified. When your Photoshop installation doesn't come with custom brushes or filters or what have you, do you send a tilt email to Adobe? The PT software has a base functionality that satisfies its purpose as a tracker, and any additional functionality should be considered perks. No one is stopping you from buying HEM and shutting up.
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